Recommendations on forecast specification of outburst hazard at mining works in zones near geological faults
- Details
- Category: Poturayev readings. Materials of the All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference
- Last Updated on 27 November 2012
- Published on 23 November 2012
- Hits: 3129
S.P. Mineyev, Doctor of Sciences (Tech.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
O.V. Vitushko, Candidate of Sciences (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow of the Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
A.A. Rubinskiy, Candidate of Sciences (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow of the Makiivskyi Research and Development Institute of Industrial Human Safety, Makiivka, Ukraine
A.G. Radchenko, Research Fellow of the Makiivskyi Research and Development Institute of Industrial Human Safety, Makiivka, Ukraine
Experience of mining works in zones near geological faults in outburst-dangerous coal layers is considered. Re-commendations about specification of some parameters of the outburst hazard forecast are offered. Outburst hazard forecast for layers with difficult structure, technological scheme of control boreholes drilling and gauging of gas emission from borehole is offered.
1. Russian source: Pravila vedeniya gornykh rabot na plastakh, sklonnykh k gazodinamicheskim yavleniyam: SOU 10.1.00174088.011-2005. – Kiev: Minvugleprom Ukrainu, 2005. – 225 p.
2. Russian source: Pravila peresecheniya gornymi vyrabotkami zon geologicheskikh narusheniy na plastakh, sklonnykh k vnezapnym vybrosam uglya i gaza: SOU-P 10.1.00174088.017-2009. – Kiev: Minvugleprom Ukrainu, 2009. – 49 p.
3. Russian source: Mineyev S.P. Gornye raboty v slozhnykh usloviyakh na vybrosoopasnykh plastakh / [S.P. Mineyev, A.A. Rubinskiy, O.V. Vitushko, A.G. Radchenko]. – Donetsk: Skhydnyi vidavnichyi dim, 2010. – 606 p. – bibliogr. p 585–603. – ISBN 968-966-317-063-3/
4. Russian source: Olkhovichenko A.Ye. Prognoz vybrosoopasnosti ugolnykh plastov. / [A.E. Olkhovichenko]. – M.: Nedra, 1982. – 278 p.
5. Russian source: Patent Ukrainy No.53072. Sposib geologichnogo porushennya zi zminoiu plasta / [S.P. Mineiev, О.V. Vіtushko, О.О. Rubinskii et al.] – Оpubl. 09.03.10. – Bull. 18. 6 p.
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