Influence of length of segment on capacity of disk tool

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V.V. Korobiichuk, Candidate of Sciences (Tech.), Senior Lecturer of the Geotechnology Department of the Zhytomyr state technological university, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

S.S. Iskov, Candidate of Sciences (Tech.), Senior Lecturer of the Surveying Departmen of the Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine


The parameters of estimation of capacity of diamond instrument are set. Capacity of diamond disk saws with different length of segments but of the same distance between them is analyzed. Dependences of kinematics parameters, specific consumption of diamonds and energy intensity of cutting on general length of contact of segments with stone are determined. Charts of cutting by the disk saw “on the serve” and “against the serve” are considered.


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4. Russian source: Bakka M.T., Melnichuk P.P. Instrument i materialy dlia dobychi i obrabotki prirodnogo kamnia: uchebnoe posobie / Bakka M.T., Melnichuk P.P. – Zhitomir: ZhITI, 2002. – 300 p.

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 378.67 KB Download 1167


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