Analysis of motion of elements of vibration jaw crusher in unstressed mode

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Authors: Ye.V. Fedoskina, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Bases of Constructing of Mechanisms and Machines of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The calculation chart of crusher is presented with the sloping chamber of crushing. Influence on motion of elements of crushing, size, mass and moment of inertia of the cheek, position of its centre of mass and vibroexciter, is considered. Influence on rotation angle of mobile cheek and frame of crusher and location of its centre of mass is considered. Recommendations on the rational choice of the considered parameters are given.


1. Russian source: Vaysberg L.A Vibratsionnyye drobilki. Osnovy rascheta, proektirovaniya i tekhnologicheskogo primeneniya./ L.A.Vaysberg, L.P. Zarogatskiy, V.Ya.Turkin. – S-Pb.: izd-vo VSEGEI, 2004. – 306 p.

2. Russian source: Goncharevich I.F. Teoriya vibratsionnoy tekhniki i tekhnologii./ Goncharevich I.F., Frolov K.V. – M.: Nauka, 1981. – 320 p.

3. Russian source: Franchuk V.P. Vliyanie parametrov korpusa na dinamiku vibratsionnoy shchekovoy drobilki s naklonnoy kameroy drobleniya. / Franchuk V.P., Plakhotnik V.V., Fedoskina E.V. // Vibratsii v tekhnitsi ta tekhnologiyakh. 2008. – No.2 (51). – P. 46–48

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 409.23 KB Download 1448


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2011 Contents No.2 2011 Poturayev readings. Materials of the All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference Analysis of motion of elements of vibration jaw crusher in unstressed mode