Methodological approach to valuation of corporate management quality for branches of industry of Ukraine

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O.V. Nusinova, Candidate of Sciences (Econ.), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Account, Audit and Financial Analysis Department, Technical University of Kryvyi Rig, Kryvyi Rig, Ukraine

I.O. Lebid, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Account, Audit and Financial Analysis, Separated organization Department “Institute of Continuous Specialized Education”, State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The article presents the author's approach to valuation of corporate management quality at enterprises of mining and chemical industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy by improving methods of corporate management valuation provided by Brunswick UBS taking into account national peculiarities. The rating of enterprises corporate management quality in above mentioned industries is defined and the comparative analysis by rating category is carried out. That enhances the comparison valuation of the corporate management quality for wide range of enterprises.


1. Ukrainian source: Zakon Ukrayiny “Pro aktsionerni tovarystva” vid 18.09.2008. No.514-VI URL:

2. Ukrainian source: Pryntsypy korporatyvnoho upravlinnya v Ukraini, zatverdzheni risheniam Derzhavnoi komisii z tsinykh paperiv i fondovogo rynka vid 11.12.2003. No.571 URL:

3. Ukrainian source: Rishennya Derzhavnoi komissii z tsinykh paperiv i fondovogo rynka vid 19.12.2006 No.1591 «Pro zatverdzhenia Polozhenia pro rozkryttia informatsii emitentamy tsinnykh paperiv» URL:

4. Ukrainian source: Analiz korporatyvnogo upravlinnia URL:

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 463.36 KB Download 1113


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2011 Contents No.2 2011 Poturayev readings. Materials of the All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference Methodological approach to valuation of corporate management quality for branches of industry of Ukraine