Scientific school of V.N. Poturayev “Vibration Engineering”
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- Category: Poturayev readings. Materials of the All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference
- Last Updated on 27 November 2012
- Published on 23 November 2012
- Hits: 3134
V.P. Franchuk, Doctor of Sciences (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Mining Machines and Engineering Department of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
V.P. Nadutyy, Doctor of Sciences (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Machine Mechanics and Mineral Raw Materials Processing Department of the Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
The materials showing formation and development of the scientific direction devoted to working out the theory, calculation methods, creation and intrusion of technological vibrating machines in Dniepropetrovsk region are resulted. Started as a group on working out of methods of calculation and principles of designing of resonance screens, the collective has grown and has expanded its range of interests to creation of the vibrating equipment for transportation, classification, crushing, crushing of rocks, materials of powder metallurgy, giving to materials of new technological properties.
1. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Rezonansnyye grokhoty. /V.N. Poturayev. – M.: TSNIITEI ugolnoy promyshlennosti. 1963. – 48 p.
2. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Vibratsionnye transportiruyushchie mashiny (osnovy teorii i rascheta). / V.N. Poturayev, V.P. Franchuk, A.G. Chervonenko. − M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1964. – 272 p.
3. Russian source: Konradi V.Ya. Opyt primeneniya rezonansnykh grokhotov na ugleobogatitelnoy fabrike. /V.Ya. Konradi, F.I. Markovskiy, V.N. Poturayev, V.P. Franchuk, V.I. Muntian. − Koks i khimiya, No.8, 1964. − p. 53−56.
4. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Rezinovyye i rezino-metallicheskiye detali mashin. / V.N. Poturayev. – M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1966. – 299 p.
5. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Problemy vibratsionnoy tekhniki. /pod red. V.N. Poturayeva. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1970. – 314 p.
6. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya obogashcheniya rud. / pod red. V.N. Poturayeva. – M.: Nedra, 1975, 240 p.
7. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Dinamika sushchestvenno nelineynykh vibrotransportnykh mashin dlya peremeshcheniya bolshikh mass sypuchikh gruzov. / V.N. Poturayev, I.I.Krush, A.G. Chervonenko, L.M. Shifrin, V.P. Ravishin. – Izv. vuzov. Gornyy zhurnal, No.12, 1974. – p. 95–98.
8. Russian source: Mironyuk A.F. Issledovanie razrykhleniya vibrokipyashchego sloya. / A.F. Mironyuk, S.V. Felonenko. – K.: Tehnika, Obogashcheniye poleznykh iskopayemykh, resp. mezhved. nauch.-tekhn. sb. Vol. 27, 1980. – p. 23–27.
9. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Prikladnaya mekhanika reziny. / V.N. Poturayev, V.I. Dyrda, I.I. Krush. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1980. – 280 p.
10. Russian source: Poturayev V.N. Vibratsionnaya tekhnika i tekhnologii v energoyomkikh proizvodstvakh. / V.N. Poturayev, V.P. Franchuk, V.P. Nadutyy. – Dnyepropetrovsk: Natsionalnaya gornaya akademiya Ukrainy. 2002. – 186 p
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