Content №1 2022

Geology 5
D. V. Rudakov, O. V. Inkin A method to evaluate the performance of an open loop geothermal system for mine water heat recovery 5
M. V. Ruzina, N. V. Bilan, O. A. Tereshkova, I. V. Zhiltsova, E. V. Dementieva Petrographic composition and ore potential of low-temperature metasomatites of the Middle-Dniprean mega-block of the Ukrainian Shield 12
Mining 20
A. O. Ihnatov, Ye. A. Koroviaka, JamilHaddad, B. A. Tershak, T. M. Kaliuzhna, V. V. Yavorska Experimental and theoretical studies on the operating parameters of hydromechanical drilling 20
V. S. Portnov, S. B. , R. K. Atygayev, E. N. Filimonov, A. D. Maussymbayeva Assessment of sudden soil faults hazard when developing a coal seam 28
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 33
M. Medvedev, Ye. Shyfrin, Ya. Frolov, O. Bobukh Estimation of glass lubricant viscosity for hot extrusion of Cr-Ni steel and Ni alloy tubes 33
B. B. Rokhman, N. I. Dunayevska, V. G. Vyfatnuik, I. V. Beztsennyi. Co-firing of gas coal dust fine particles and synthetic peat gas. Part 2 Numerical studies on thermochemical processing of peat in a fixed layer 38
M. Hlukhoveria, I. Mladetskyi, K. Levchenko, O. Berezniak Beneficiation properties of ash-and-slag dumps 46
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 51
O. V. Fomin, A. O. Lovska, P. O. Skok, A. V. Rybin Feasibility study for using the fillers in the bearing structure components of a gondola car 51
K. Sosnin, O. Gerasina, Yu. Ribalchenko, G. Schullerus Disclosure of state uncertainty of the roller chain based on cross-correlation 57
A. Belikov, K. Kreknin, Z. Matsuk, V. Protsiv Lubricants for rail transport liquid (plastic) for friction pair “wheel – rail” 63
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection 69
I. M. Cheberiachko, O. V. Stolbchenko, A. A. Yurchenko, I. O. Luts Defining the level of human comfort in the office environment by thermal factor 69
O. Chukurna, V. Nitsenko, N. Tyukhtenko, O. Lomonosova, Z. Zhartay, V. Dobrovolskyi Substantiation of the green approach in the formation of a sustainable system of ecological logistics 76
A. O. Bulgakov, V. O. Ivantsov, V. S. Makarenko, K. O. Dubova, S. M. Klimova Mechanism of protecting forest and land resources of Ukraine from illegal amber mining: legal aspect 83
I. Volchyn, S. Kryvosheiev, A. Yasynetskyi, A. Zaitsev, O. Samchenko Selective non-catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides in the production of iron ore pellets 88
I. V. Uriadnikova, V. H. Lebedev, V. M. Zaplatynskyi, O. I. Tsyhanenko Early determination and evaluation of technogenic risks within the water purification systems of TSs and TPSs 95
V. I. Golinko, A. V. Pavlychenko, S. I. Cheberiachko, O. O. Yavorska Determination of tightness of the filtering half-mask adhesion to a user’s face 102
E. Gridina, S. Kovshov, D. Borovikov Hazard mapping as a fundamental element of OSH management systems currently used in the mining sector 107
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration 116
L. I. Zhyvtsova, H. V. Ukhina, V. S. Sytnikov, O. V. Streltsov, P. V. Stupen Integrated improvement of the efficiency of computer control system of spatial orientation settings of drilling facilities 116
M. D. Koshovyi, N. S. Ashhepkova, A. S. Luchko Modeling of manipulator grip reaches with regard to generalized coordinate constraints 123
Economy and Management 128
O. Horban, O. Protsenko, V. Tytarenko, O. Bulvinska, O. Melnychenko Cultural economics: the role of higher education institution in shaping the value systems 128
O. B. Butnik-Siversky, O. F. Doroshenko, Yu. L. Borko, V. L. Khomenko Model approach to estimating the cost of transfer of integral intangible system (technology) 133
H. Kryshtal, I. Kalina, N. Shuliar, T. Kapeliushna, M. Martynenko, K. Ingram Trends of development of financial and economic activity of entrepreneurial structures during the period of quarantine restrictions 139
S. Smerichevska, I. Miahkykh, S. Yeletskykh, S. Borysova, V. Bryzhnychenko Financial and economic narratives for evaluation of innovative potential of enterprises 145
S. Rudenko, I. Liashenko, O. Serbin, O. Demydiuk Development of creative entrepreneurship in Ukrainian technical universities 153
D. Orazbayeva, A. Abzhapbarova, D. Agabekova, A. Bublikov, I. Taran Automation of the coordinated road traffic control process 158
S. Smerichevskyi, T. Kosova, O. Tryfonova, O. Bezgina, G. Solomina Financial and accounting support of marketing strategies for energy efficiency of coal mines 163
A. V. Cherep, N. V. Katkova, I. S. Murashko, O. S. Tsyhanova, O. V. Hryshchenko Methodological approach to assessing the sustainable development level of machine-building enterprise 170
Zatonatska Tetiana, Suslenko Volodymyr, Dluhopolskyi Oleksandr, Brych Vasyl, Dluhopolska Tetiana Investment models on centralized and decentralized cryptocurrency markets 177
I. V. Tiutiunyk, A. O. Zolkover, S. V. Lyeonov, L. B. Ryabushka The impact of economic shadowing on social development: challenges for macroeconomic stability 183

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