Control of the belt speed at unbalanced loading of the conveyor

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О.М.Pihnastyi, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.,, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Purpose. Development of algorithms for controlling the speed of the conveyor belt, based on the distributed model of the transport system, containing partial differential equations

Methodology. To calculate the parameters of a conveyor line with a variable speed of material motion, an instrument of mathematical physics is used.

Findings. Comparative analysis of conveyor transport system models is performed. Application of partial differential equations for simulating transport systems of conveyor type, which are complex dynamic distributed systems, is substantiated. A non-dimensional model of a conveyor system in instantaneous approximation with the use of partial-derivative equations is presented. A system of characteristic equations is recorded and a solution is developed which defines the value of material flow and material density at an arbitrary point of time for the given point of the transportation route. An expression is obtained which defines the value of material delay in the transport system depending on the velocity defect law for conveyor belt movement. Transition period time is determined during which the output material flow is defined by linear density of material disposition along the transportation route. Dependences for the material linear density and material flow for the steady state condition are defined. The performance criterion of control of flow parameters of the conveyor system is recorded and a solution of the problem of optimal control of conveyor belt speed providing the relay control mode with the minimum power consumption for material movement is found. An example of control algorithm development is given.

Originality. PDE-models of transport systems of conveyor type and energy-saving algorithms for controlling such systems have been improved.

Practical value.The proposed method for calculating the parameters of the conveyor line, which is a dynamic distributed system, can be used to design systems for optimal control of flow parameters of transport systems of conveyor type


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