Energy-saving control for traction frequency-regulated asynchronous engine of an electric vehicle
- Details
- Category: Contens №6 2019
- Last Updated on 01 January 2020
- Published on 23 December 2019
- Hits: 3413
V.A.Volkov, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukrainе, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Development of energy-saving control of a traction frequency-regulated asynchronous engine of an electric vehicle, investigation of its electro-mechanical and power processes.
Methodology. Methods of variational calculus, Runge-Kutta, mathematical analysis and interpolation, computer modeling.
Findings. Analytical dependencies are obtained to calculate the total power and energy losses for a traction frequency-regulated asynchronous engine (FRAE) under acceleration and deceleration regimes. With the help of these dependencies, quantitative assessment of the indicated power and energy losses was carried out, the electromechanical and energy processes of this FRAE for the proposed energy-saving and known (linear and parabolic) velocity trajectories were investigated.
Originality. Energy-efficient tachograms for traction FRAE with two control zones (with constant and weakened magnetic flux) are proposed, which allow minimizing its total energy loss in the start-braking regimes. Dependences are obtained which allow determining the energy-saving values of the speed of an electric vehicle in steady-state regimes.
Practical value. The application of the obtained results ensures a reduction in unproductive energy losses in the traction FRAE of the electric vehicle and an increase in the mileage of the latter on a single charge of the battery.
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