Content №1 2025

Geology 5
M. T. Biletskiy, B. T. Ratov, V. L. Khomenko, A. Ye. Yesturliyev, Z. Sh. Makhitova Improved techniques for exploration of groundwater deposits for conditions of rural areas of the Mangystau Peninsula 5
Mining 13
Ye. A. Sherstiuk, M. V. Petlovanyi, K. S. Sai Predicting the geofiltration processes within the closed quarry zone in difficult technogenically disturbed conditions 13
A. Togasheva, R. Bayamirova, B. Ratov, A. Sudakov, A. Makyzhanova Well operation by plunger rod pumps in difficult conditions 22
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 28
H. Bouzeriba, N. Bouzidi, A. Idres, I. Laala, L. Zaoui Feasibility assessment of low-grade iron ore from El Ouenza mine by high-intensity magnetic separation 28
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 34
Y. Frolov, D. Konovodov, O. Bobukh, V. Boiarkin Transformation of the kirigami-type deformable inlay during roll bonding 34
T. V. Kimstach, K. I. Uzlov, O. P. Bilyi, V. F. Mazorchuk, S. I. Repyakh Assessing criteria for casting and deformation suitability of metals and alloys 40
A. V. Radkevytch, D. O. Bannikov, H. Wu, X. Cheng Static continuous bulk material model for inclined bunker section 48
Electrical Complexes and Systems 55
Do Nhu Y, Nguyen Truong Giang, Ngo Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Thac Khanh, Le Anh Tuan Impact of power electronics devices on leakage current in mine electrical systems: a case study in Vietnam 55
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection 63
A. O. Shchesniak, P. V. Bosak, N. P. Kovalchuk, S. O. Sokolov Environmental safety assessment of soils in Khmelnytskyi region based on chemical composition and acidity analysis 63
A. A. Renkas, V. V. Popovych, I. V. Pasnak, V. I. Tovarianskyi Study of the effectiveness of extinguishing model fires of coniferous and deciduous wood 70
O. S. Petrakovska, M. Yu. Mykhalova Environmental factors for land use restrictions establishment in Ukraine 76
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration 82
O. Boyko, V. Kuvaiev, O. Potap, M. Potap, M. Rybalchenko Automatic compensation of the mill roll eccentricity in terms of limited speed of hydraulic compression devices 82
A. V. Miakenkyi, M. O. Aleksieiev, S. M. Matsiuk Research on the effectiveness of using LSTM architecture in modeling the cognitive process of recognition 90
S. Onyshchenko, A. Hlushko, O. Laktionov, S. Bilko Technology for determining weight coefficients of components of information security 96
I. Syamsuddin, D. Al-Dabass FoSDeT: a new hybrid machine learning model for accurate and fast detection of IoT botnet 104
O. Tarasov, D. Pavlenko, O. Altukhov, L. Vasylieva, V. Kotsyuba Systems engineering design and development of universal die set for hydraulic presses 110
Economy and Management 117
A. P. Marchenko, R. V. Kryvobok, Y. L. Tataryntseva, O. M. Lapuzina Commercialization of NTU “KhPI” innovations with digital marketing tools in the experience economy 117
V. Hmyria, O. Kostiuk, L. Fedoryshyna, M. Halaburda, D. Zahrebelnyi Innovations in the defense-industrial complex: current status and development prospects 125
S. P. Bazhan, L. D. Harmider, L. I. Korotka, A. I. Kryvoruchko Methodology of comprehensive diagnostics of technical educational and scientific cluster management risks 132
H. Mazur, V. Bolhov, I. Akhnovska, O. Dluhopolskyi, S. Kozlovskyi The impact of educational development on the countries’ competitiveness in the knowledge economy 140
H. Y. Ostrovska, R. Р. Sherstiuk, H. V. Tsikh, V. V. Ivata, O. V. Tur Talent management: a strategic priority for developing the enterprise’s intellectual potential in digitalization 147
V. Sanduhei, I. Bila, O. Shevchenko, Ie. Manzhula, V. Iliukhina Human capital as a driver of the formation of Ukraine’s competitive advantages in the post-war period 157
G. Duginets, T. Busarieva, Iu. Samoilyk, O. Batrak, V. Dengub Foreign economic activities of Ukrainian ferrous metallurgy enterprises in the conditions of crisis 164

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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
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