Control of the research and education network development in modern socio-pedagogical conditions
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 11 July 2014
- Published on 11 May 2014
- Hits: 4443
V.A. Fedorov, Dr. Sci. (Ed.), Professor, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Director of the Research and Education Centre of Vocational Pedagogical Education, Yekaterinburg, Russia.
N.N. Davydova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Editor of “Education and Science”, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Purpose. To study the possibility of the innovation activity of educational institutions development control based on the principles of network cooperation.
Methodology. Theoretical methods: socio-historical analysis, and theoretical-methodological analysis, and modeling. Empirical methods: research and synthesis of experience of effective application of network-based approach, experiment, observation, surveys, and expert evaluation.
Findings. The theoretical basis of the control of knowledge generation medium in the research and education network was synthesized from evolutionary economic theory, anthropological approach to the educational innovations management, an approach based on knowledge, synergistic and optimization approaches. Common resources, investments and processes of knowledge distribution were considered the main competitive advantages of the network. System cooperation of members of the network results into creation of collective intellectual property. The possibility of effective use of the “cloud” strategy for the research and education network development was shown.
Originality. The notion of “research and education network” was specified and understood as a dynamic set of interrelated agents representing the scientific, educational, social, cultural institutions (their units, creative teams), as well as elements of the innovation infrastructure and industry stakeholders. Innovation-active network of educational institutions was considered a virtual organization performing innovative projects at a high level of coordination and integration of goals and all kinds of resources which can be achieved through the internal information space creation.
Practical value. Introduction of the results obtained into educational practice can improve the effectiveness of innovative development of the organizations involved in the network cooperation.
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