The mathematical method of the dust deposition research in an excavation
K.S. Yelezov, State Higher Educational Institution “National Technical University”, Postgraduate Student, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Purpose. Determination of dust sedimentation time taking into consideration the size of particles and type of dust.
Methodology. We have usedtheoretical and experimental methods in particular, analysis of existing methods of study, mathematical simulation, and field testing.
Findings. We have developed the method of estimation of the speed of dust sedimentation taking into consideration time, location and charge of the particles. We have found out that the ability of the dust consisting of the particles of hematite ore and jaspilite to attenuate the laser ray depends on the size of the particles. We have calculated the time period after explosion required to reach the concentration of dust particles in the goaf which doesn’t influence the passage of the laser ray. This can ensure reliable measurement of the camera with minimal errors.
Originality. The study of dust particles sedimentation has been carried out using the mathematical modeling of the dust particles behavior, when some of them move up and some move down, taking into account particles density. This allows us to determine the speed of their movement based on the initial concentration of dust.
Practical value. We have developed theresearch method allowing us to calculate the time period after which most of the particles will settle. And in the air there only particles which make the same amount of ‘front’ and ‘back’ scattered light will remain. Their influence on the passage of the laser ray is negligible. So, the necessary measurements should be carried out in not less than 24 hours after the explosion. In this case the error in the measurements is minimal.
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