Determination of the time of stabilization of rock pressure on the waste seam floor

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G.V. Babiyuk, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas State Technical University”, Professor of the Department of Building Geomechanics, Alchevsk, Ukraine.

O.G. Dotsenko, State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas State Technical University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Economic and Management Department, Alchevsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To determine the time of stabilization of rock pressure in the worked-out area through the analysis of undermined earth surface subsidence process.

Methodology. We have obtained and analyzed natural measurements of the earth surface subsidence in the course of time. On the base of the results of the analysis we have determined the duration of the stratum movement active stage. We have applied regression analysis to find out the correlation between the rock pressure stabilization time and basic factors influencing it.

Findings. We have determined the parameters of the logistic function describing earth surface subsidence in time when the speed of the extraction work is constant. We have obtained the speed of the process, its acceleration, and acceleration speed as derivatives of the different order of the indicated logistic function.Based on the charts of subsidence process progression, which were built for each benchmark, we have divided it on initial, active, and attenuation stage. It has been determined that the duration of the active stage, that equals the rock pressure stabilization time, depends, first of all, on depth. This relation is described by empirical power-law dependence. 

Originality. We have determined the rock pressure stabilization time in worked-out area through the consideration of earth surface subsidence. The relation between the time period, required for rock massive pressure to reach the level γН (hydrostatic pressure) and mine depth.

Practical value. Information about the duration of the active stage of the undermined massif subsidence will allow making the right decision about the delay time between preparation work and extraction work, which provides a good operational state of working driven in the broken-down rock. 



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2. Гавриленко Ю.Н. Прогнозирование сдвижений земной поверхности во времени / Ю.Н. Гавриленко // Уголь Украины. – 2011. – № 6. – С. 45–49.


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