Study of the mechanism of the directed destruction of rock by non-explosive destroying mixtures

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I.G. Sakhno, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University”, Senior Lecturer of the Mining Department, Donetsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To develop and study a new static method of rock directed destruction based on the stretching tension concentrators creation on the walls of the hole by means of special cartridge. Growth of tensions is provided by the volume increase of the non-explosive destroying mixture placed in the cartridge.

Мethodology. We offer the method of the directed destruction and the device for its realization. By the finite-element method we have studied the stressed state of the object destroyed by the suggested method. We have found the dependences between the coefficient of stretching tensions concentration on the walls of the hole and the structural dimensions of the cartridge. On the basis of the conducted analytical research, with the use of solutions of classic elastic theory and the Griffith-Irvin material failure theory, we suggest the method of calculation of the parameters of the directed destruction method.

Findings. We have obtained positive effect from the use of the method in the laboratory. We have carried out the experimental-industrial pilot test of the proposed technical solutions aimed at the destruction of granite blocks with uniaxial compression strength of 6-16 MPa at Hlebodarovskoye Mining Administration.

Originality. For the first time, the method of directed rock breaking by non-explosive destroying mixtures was proposed. Physics of the process and its parameters was studied.

Practical value. The use of the proposed method allows us to fulfill directed destruction of rocks of any strength without dynamic influences on the massif.




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