Simulation of the geomechanical processes in the block of the rock massif containing steep ore deposit excavation

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K.S. Ishchenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, N.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To study the character and to find the computational solution of distribution of the field of tensions of the rock massif formed round the extraction chamber under static and dynamic load.

Methodology. A few series of laboratory modeling of the character of stress field distribution around the extraction chambers have been carried out using the photoelasticity method and the developed stand. Using the continuum mechanics and finite-element method, we have carried out the numerical modeling of rock massif stressed-deformed state for the block where steep ore deposit is being extracted. We have determined the influence of the stressed-deformed state of the model on the character of its destruction by explosion.

Findings. We present the results of the experimental and theoretical researches of rock massif stressed-deformed state for three different schemes of the rock massif block model in elastic-plastic putting using the finite-element method. Based on the results we recommend locating drilling rooms in the central part of the chamber along its axis and in the zones of maximal stress or the zones of rearrangement of stress condition in the rock massif containing steep ore deposit with different inclination angles in deep horizons.

Originality. Estimation of the character and laws of distribution, and numeral values of the fields of tensions around the extraction chamber in steep ore deposit before drilling and blasting will allow us to substantiate adjustment parameters of drilling and blasting, location of mining holes and conditions of their drilling. This will improve the efficiency of blasthole charges.

Practical value. We can improve the efficiency of blasthole charges during breaking ground, reduce the consumption of explosives and blasting agents, improve the quality of ore and performance of loading and transport facilities.




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