Mechanism of an enterprise’s strategic flexibility support
- Details
- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 09 May 2014
- Published on 16 April 2013
- Hits: 3658
O.V. Shatilova, State Higher Educational Institution “Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Management Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
Purpose. To study the processes of enterprise’s strategic flexibility forming and support.
Methodology. The main methods of optimization of enterprise’s business portfolio in context of strategic flexibility support are: investment portfolio formation model, economic analysis, mathematical statistics and prognostication.
Findings. We have defined the phases of formation process and support mechanism of strategic flexibility of an enterprise and substantiated the necessity of an enterprise business portfolio restricting in context of strategic flexibility support.
Originality. The forming of strategic flexibility of an enterprise is proposed to consider as a continuous process that consists of four phases: foresight, statement, accumulation and realization. The mechanism of enterprise’s strategic flexibility support in terms of enterprise’s business portfolio optimization with using the modification of Markowitz’s model of forming investment portfolio is described in the article.
Practical value. We have suggested the optimal business portfolio structure of DP “Avtosborochnyi zavod No.2” of AO “Automobile Company “Bogdan Motors” in terms of risks minimization. This new business portfolio structure fits the main trends of Ukrainian car market progress and contributes to enterprise’s strategic flexibility.
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