Prospects for investment financing of the industry technical development involving leasing
- Details
- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 09 May 2014
- Published on 16 April 2013
- Hits: 3803
А.I. Аmosha, Acad. of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, director, Donetsk, Ukraine
N.V. Shemiakina, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Leading Research Fellow, Donetsk, Ukraine
А.А. Ponomarenko, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Leading Economist, Donetsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To study the leasing investment financing in modern conditions and substantiate the prospects for using leasing as a tool of financing the technical development of industrial production.
Methodology. Classical position and fundamental works of foreign and domestic scholars, statistical data, and results of the authors’ investigation of problems of using leasing in Ukrainian industry have formed the methodological basis of the research. Used methods include comparative analysis, scientific abstraction, generalization of scientific experience of modern theoretical studies, and systems-integrated approach.
Findings. We have substantiated that low investment activity is caused by the absence of the investment financing mechanism corresponding to market conditions. This does not help to solve the problem of scarce resources. It has been established that adaptation of non-traditional tools for reproductive processes financing is of great importance under limited domestic traditional investment sources. We have proved the expediency of using leasing as a form of production.
Originality. The scientific approach to substantiation of the effectiveness of investment financing of the technical development of industry which allows us to consider the leasing financing as a mechanism of alternative financing that meats the principles of intensive expanded reproduction of fixed assets, and as a prospective direction for their reproduction that does not require large initial capital investments.
Practical value. Theoretical principles are the methodical basis for forming the organizational and economic mechanism of leasing operations introduction as a capital-saving method of financing the technical development which is able to intensify the investment processes in the industry.
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