Conceptual approach to development of financial strategy of enterprise’s capital formation
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 09 May 2014
- Published on 16 April 2013
- Hits: 4421
І.V. Vykydаnеts, Donetsk National University of economy and trade named afterMichael Tugan-Baranovskiy, Postgraduate student, Donetsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To substantiate the conceptual approach for development of financial strategy of business capital formation by means of modern methods of financial management.
Methodology. Development of strategy of business capital formation has been considered as a subsystem of the strategic financial planning, which is based on an organizational support, is formed by basic business processes, and depends on financial market tendencies, financial and nonfinancial indices of functioning. Research methods include estimation of internal and external environment of functioning of an enterprise and take into account his financial potential.
Findings. We have suggested creating the matrix of financial strategies in order to choose the most rational, construction of strategic chart of capital formation, with the aim of its prognostication according to certain strategic guidelines.
Scientific novelty. We have used dynamic methods of estimation of capital requirements, its prognostication in the context of the balanced system of indices and cost-oriented approach of business management.
Practical value. The increase of efficiency of functioning of all constituents which provide viability of financial potential of business capital formation.
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