Methods of company’s value determining

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Е.R. Islyamova, Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Management and Marketing Department of the Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University, Simferopol, Ukraine

The article analyzes comparative characteristics of cost, income and comparative methods of determining value of a company. The author shows modern tools of value measurement and compares their use effectiveness. The author substantiates a single universal cost parameter of business performance – economic value added (EVA) and analyses its advantages and disadvantages.


1. Russian source: Valdaitsev S.V. Ocenka biznesa i upravlenie stoimostiu predpriyatiya: / S.V. Valdajcev. - M.: JUNITI-DANA, 2001. - 719 p.: il., tabl. Bibliogr.: p. 714-716 i v podstroch. primech. - ISBN 5-238-00251-3 I.

2. Russian source: Kouplend T. Stoimost kompanii: ocenka i upravlenie / T. Kouplend, T. Koller, Dzh. Murrin :. per. s angl. -M. : Olimp-Biznes, 2005. – 576 p.: il. - ISBN 5-901029-98-8 (rus).

3. Russian source: Modiliani F. Skolko stoit firma? Teorema MM / F. Modiliani, M. Miller : per. s angl. – M. : Delo, 2001. – 272 p. - ISBN 5-7749-0152-1.

4. Russian source: Rapoport B. Optimizatsiya upravlencheskikh resheniy / B. Rapoport – M. : Teis, 2001. – 264 p. - ISBN 5-7218-0332-0.

5. Young S.D., O'Byrne S.O. EVA and value-based management: a practical guide to implementation / S.D. Young, S.O. O'Byrne. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. – 493 р. - ISBN 0-07-136439-0.

2011_01 Islyam
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