Product inspection at enterprise in the conditions of modern economy

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Yu.O. Kakhovych, Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Management Department of the Customs academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

K.S. Yanko, Cadet of Management Department of Customs Academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

The questions about quality management of products are examined in the article. The questions about using checking systems of products quality at enterprises are analyzed. Comparative analysis of TQM and traditional quality control is held. Advantages of TQM are stated. Features of quality assurance and their influence on the efficiency of production are demonstrated. The necessity of Total Quality Management in modern conditions is determined.


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3. Russian source: Kachestvo – zalog dostizheniya konkurentosposobnosti : (Itogi foruma TQM Kaz – 2010 ) URL:

4. Ukrainian source: Ponomarova О. S. Shliakhy harmonizatsii vitchyznianoi praktyky upravlinnia yakistiu z mizhnarodnymy standartamy / Ponomarova О.S. // Ekonomika. Finansy. Pravo: Informatsiino-analitychnyi zhurnal. – 2008. – Vol.5. – P.10 – 14 .– Bibliohr.: p.14.

5. Ukrainian source: Panchenko M.O. Vorovadzhennia na pidpryiemstvi efektyvnoi systemy menedzhmentu yakosti / Panchenko М.О. // Pivdennoukrainskyi pravnychyi chasopys : Naukovyi zhurnal. – 2006. – Vol.4. – P. 256 – 257. – Bibliohr.: p.257.

6. Ukrainian source: Petrenko K.V. Systema upravlinnia yakistiu produktsii na pidpryiemstvi yak chynnyk yoho efektyvnoi diialnosti / Petrenko K.V. // Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – 2009. – Vol.12. – P. 32 – 34. – Bibliohr.: p.34.

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