A matrix of project analysis on axes of „risk resistibility – information resistibility“

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N.S. Rulikova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Intellectual Property of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

L.L. Karmazina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Projects Management Department of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

It is investigated the requirements for qualitative and quantitative analysis of innovative projects portfolio for selection them to development program or multistage transformation of company. A qualitative selection is suggested to begin with placing of projects in matrix of the combined criterion. It is suggested a tool for such analysis that simultaneously considers risk resistibility of project, its quality and their correlation. It is presented a matrix calculations resistibility of the project’s risk, taking into account the previous procedure of standardization and risk assessment. It is proved an equalizing of information resistibility and its quality. It is constructed a matrix of „Risk resistibility – Information resistibility.


1. Russian source: Yefremov V.S. Strategii biznesa. Kontseptsii i metody planirovaniya /Yefremov V.S. – M.: Izdatelstvo “Finpress”, 1998. – 192 p.

2. Ukrainian source: Upravlinnia proektamy: natsionalni osoblyvosti: monografiya / [Маlyi V.V., Маzurkevych О.І., Моlоkаnоvа V.М. ta inshi] – Dnipropetrovsk: IMA-pres, 2008. – 265 p.

3. Russian source: Khrakovskaia I.V. Ob odnom obobshchennom kriterii predelnogo sostoianiya / Khrakovskaia I.V., Antonenko S.V.// Nadezhnost i control kachestva. – 1990. – Vol.10. – p. 8–11.

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