Problems of increase of labour productivity in mechanical engineering
- Details
- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 27 November 2012
- Published on 26 November 2012
- Hits: 4093
Yu.V. Buts, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, professor of the Industrial Sphere Management Department of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
А.V. Bernattska, Seeker of a Master's Degree on special subject „Management of the Organizations”, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Conceptions and problems of increase of labour productivity and foreign and domestic experience of measurement of productivity are considered. Classification of the factors influencing on the level of the labour productivity, on some of signs is adduced. Ways of ascertainment of reserves of its growth are shown; questions of measurement of labour productivity are proved; ways of increase of its efficiency are considered. Results of the analysis of labour productivity in machine-assembly department of machine buildingare shown.
1. Ukrainian source: Buts Yu.V., Efektyvnist pratsi na vuhilnykh shakhtakh: monohrafiia. / Buts Y. V., Herasymova I. Y. – D., Nats. hirn. un-t, 2007 – 156 p.: il. 31, tabl. 25.- Bibliohr. 58: p. 136-139.-ISBN 978-966-350-068-3.
2. Russian source: Masalab R.N., Ispolzovaniye pokazateley proizvoditelnosti truda v upravlenii khoziaystvennoy deyatelnostyu predpriyatia: avtoref. dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. ekonom. nauk: spets. 08.06.01 «Ekonomika, organizatsia i upravleniye prepriatiyami» / Masalab Raisa Nikolaevna; In.-t ekonomiki promyshl. NAN Ukrainy.-Donetsk 2003.-20 p. vklyuch. obl.: il. 2, tabl. 1. – Bibliogr. 11: p. 15-16.
2011_01 Buts | |
2012-11-27 295.56 KB 1486 |
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