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Contens №5 2020





V. I. Parafilov, A. Amangeldikyzy, V. S. Portnov, A. N. Kopobayeva, A. D. Maussymbayeva. Geochemical specialization of the Shubarkol deposit coals


N. E. Fomenko. Anomaly of the natural constant electric field of large magnitude in technogenically disturbed layers of anthracite




V. I. Bondarenko, I. A. Kovalevska, H. A. Symanovych, M. V. Barabash, V. H. Snihur. Peculiarities of mining the protecting pillar in the laminal massif of soft rocks


Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing


A. O. Bondarenko, P. O. Maliarenko, Ye. Zapara, S. P. Bliskun. Testing of the complex for gravitational washing of sand


A. Yu. Dreus, V. I. Bondarenko, V. S. Biletskyi, R. S. Lysenko. Mathematical simulation of heat and mass exchange processes during dissociation of gas hydrates in a porous medium


L. I. Solonenko, R. V. Usenko, K. I. Uzlov, A. V. Dziubina, S. I. Repiakh. Carbonization and crushability of structured sand-sodium-silicate mixtures


V. I. Golik, Yu. V. Dmitrak, V. S. Brigida. Impact of duration of mechanochemical activation on enhancement of zinc leaching from polymetallic ore tailings


Geotechnical and Mining ­Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building


A. Boustila, A. Hafsaoui, M. Fredj, S. Yahyaoui. Maximum surface settlement induced by shallow tunneling in layered ground


D. L. Vasyliev, V. F. Hankevych, T. V. Moskalova, O. V. Livak. The character of disruption of the rocks surface during rapid cooling


D. D. Baskanbayeva, L. A. Krupnik, K. K. Yelemessov, S. A. Bortebayev, A. E. Igbayeva. Justification of rational parameters for manufacturing pump housings made of fibroconcrete


M. O. Pozdnyshev, S. O. Davydov. Experimental research on hydraulic resistance of deformed woven meshes


V. Boiko, M. Sotnyk, V. Moskalenko, A. Chernobrova. Recirculation power in the balance of hydraulic losses of centrifugal pump


O. Voznyak, N. Spodyniuk, Yu. Yurkevych, I. Sukholova, O. Dovbush. Enhancing efficiency of air distribution by swirled-compact air jets in the mine using the heat utilizators


A. V. Rudyk, V. M. Chupryna, G. V. Pasov, V. I. Venzhega. Methods for determining the efficiency of the grinding process


Power Supply Technologies


V. Tytiuk, O. Chornyi, Yu. Zachepa, V. Kuznetsov, M. Tryputen. Control of the start of high-powered electric drives with the optimization in terms of energy efficiency


Environmental Safety, Labour Protection


O. V. Nazarenko, A. V. Ivanchenko. Research on technology of complex processing of phosphogypsum


V. Koziuk, Yu. Hayda, O. Dluhopolskyi, V. Martynyuk, Yu. Klapkiv. Efficiency of environmental taxation in European countries: comparative analysis


Yu. A. Turlova, H. S. Polishchuk. Certain topical issues of criminalization of illegal amber mining


Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration


O. B. Zachko, D. O. Chalyy, D. S. Kobylkin. Models of technical systems management for the forest fire prevention


S. I. Cheberiachko, L. S. Koriashkina, O. V. Deryugin, M. M. Odnovol. Rational organization of the work of an electric vehicle maintenance station


Economy and Management


M. Vaintraub, I. Kamenska, O. Bokshyts. Strategic risk management in the development of university education in Ukraine


I. I. Nikolina, I. O. Hulivata, L. P. Husak, L. M. Radzihovska, I. I. Nikolina. Assessment of digitalization of public management and administration at the level of territorial communities


H. Tarasiuk, O. Pashchenko, O. Milinchuk, A. Chahaida, O. Sienko. Methodical aspects of stability development assessment of enterprises


H. M. Pylypenko, V. V. Prokhorova, O. B. Mrykhina, O. Ya. Koleshchuk, S. A. Mushnykova. Cost evaluation models of R&D products of industrial enterprises


D. S. Bukreieva. Peculiarities of formation of the country’s innovative environment based on complex analysis of resources of innovation


V. Shvets, O. Tryfonova, H. Solomina, Ya. Petrova. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the evaluation of management efficiency of joint investment institutions


Yu. V. Honcharov, I. Yu. Shtuler, V. V. Serzhanov, T. O. Makukh. Paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis


O. Novak, S. Musiichuk, S. Zuenko. Management culture: the role of university startups


A. V. Cherep, N. V. Katkova, I. S. Murashko, S. A. Burlan, O. S. Tsyhanova. Identification and assessment the factors of influence on the formation of the machine-building enterprise sustainable development mechanism





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Anomaly of the natural constant electric field of large magnitude in technogenically disturbed layers of anthracite
Geochemical specialization of the Shubarkol deposit coals
Peculiarities of mining the protecting pillar in the laminal massif of soft rocks
Testing of the complex for gravitational washing of sand
Mathematical simulation of heat and mass exchange processes during dissociation of gas hydrates in a porous medium
Carbonization and crushability of structured sand-sodium-silicate mixtures
Impact of duration of mechanochemical activation on enhancement of zinc leaching from polymetallic ore tailings
Maximum surface settlement induced by shallow tunneling in layered ground
The character of disruption of the rocks surface during rapid cooling
Justification of rational parameters for manufacturing pump housings made of fibroconcrete
Experimental research on hydraulic resistance of deformed woven meshes
Recirculation power in the balance of hydraulic losses of centrifugal pump
Enhancing efficiency of air distribution by swirled-compact air jets in the mine using the heat utilizators
Methods for determining the efficiency of the grinding process
Control of the start of high-powered electric drives with the optimization in terms of energy efficiency
Research on technology of complex processing of phosphogypsum
Efficiency of environmental taxation in European countries: comparative analysis
Certain topical issues of criminalization of illegal amber mining
Models of technical systems management for the forest fire prevention
Rational organization of the work of an electric vehicle maintenance station
Strategic risk management in the development of university education in Ukraine
Assessment of digitalization of public management and administration at the level of territorial communities
Methodical aspects of stability development assessment of enterprises
Cost evaluation models of R&D products of industrial enterprises
Peculiarities of formation of the country’s innovative environment based on complex analysis of resources of innovation
Theoretical and methodological foundations for the evaluation of management efficiency of joint investment institutions
Paradigm of state regulation and structural transformation of the national economy from the standpoint of homeostasis
Management culture: the role of university startups
Identification and assessment the factors of influence on the formation of the machine-building enterprise sustainable development mechanism


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
Journal was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
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