Content №3 2024

Mining 5
Ye. A. Koroviaka, Ye. M. Stavychnyi, O. B. Martsynkiv, A. O. Ihnatov, A. V. Yavorskyi Research on occurrence features and ways to improve the quality of productive hydrocarbon horizons demarcation 5
H. Mahtali, A. Hafsaoui, Z. Mezdoud, A. Bouslama, A. Idres Optimal parameters of blasting destruction in the Ben Azouz quarry based on study of strength limestone rock 12
C. V. Pham, L. Q. Nguyen, C. X. Cao, C. V. Le, T. G. Nguyen, H. T. T. Le The use of the CityGML standard for a 3D GIS of underground and open-pit mines 19
Z. R. Malanchuk, V. S. Moshynskyi, V. H. Lozynskyi, V. Ya. Korniienko, V. S. Soroka Determination of technological parameters for hydromechanical amber extraction in the Polissia region of Ukraine 27
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 35
M. R. Shautenov, A. Begalinov, N. T. Akkazina Processing of rare earth ore of weathering crust 35
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 42
M. Zalyubovskii, I. Panasyuk, S. Koshel, O. Koshel, L. Akimova Synthesis and research of the spatial eight-link mechanism of the barreling machine 42
V. M. Afonin, O. I. Voronkov, A. M. Avramenko, A. S. Ptushka, D. O. Protektor Influence of multiphase fuel injection on the technical and economic indicators of a transportation diesel engine 50
O. M. Khoryev, O. V. Lynnyk, P. O. Korotaiev, Yu. A. Bykov, Ye. S. Ahibalov Effect of circumferential lean of pump-turbine runner blades on energy characteristics 56
O. Panchenko, K. Zabolotnyi Endurance calculation of welded joints in tubbing erector mechanism using digital methods 63
I. F. Alrefo, M. O. Rawashdeh, O. Matsulevych, O. Vershkov, S. Halko, O. Suprun Designing the functional surfaces of camshaft cams of internal combustion engines 72
Electrical Complexes and Systems 79
Do Nhu Y, Trinh Bien Thuy, Le Anh Tuan, Ngo Xuan Cuong Rotor configuration for improved working characteristics of LSPMSM in mining applications 79
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection 87
V. A. Tsopa, O. O. Yavorska, S. I. Cheberiachko, O. V. Deryugin, M. S. Brezitska Development of the concept for improving the management system of employee safety and health in Ukraine 87
O. Mansouri, S. Berdoudi, N. Houssou, A. Bouslama, W. Kherfane Effect of hardened cement waste and fresh cement in the treatment of expansive soil 95
I. M. Kochmar, V. V. Karabyn, V. M. Kordan Ecological and geochemical aspects of thermal effects on argillites of the Lviv-Volyn coal basin spoil tips 100
A. A. Makurin, O. V. Usatenko, N. L. Shyshkova Current tools to control decarbonization in Ukraine both governmentally and locally 108
I. V. Efimova, O. V. Smirnova, T. G. Shendrik Antioxidant properties of brown coal humic substances 116
O. Nazarenko, A. Berezovska, V. Tymoshchuk, Ye. Sherstiuk Integrated water resources monitoring system within the structure of environmental safety in southern Ukraine 122
V. P. Shchokin, A. V. Pavlychenko, V. V. Yezhov, M. V. Kormer The environmental effectiveness of humate reagent in internal and external hydro-filling of quarries 128
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration 135
O. Laktionov, I. Laktionova Improvement of the method for optimization of predicting the efficiency of a robotic platform 135
R. Sytnyk, Vik. Hnatushenko Data flow management in information systems using blockchain technology 142
S. Zolotarova, M. Ponomarova, S. Stankevych, V. Novikova, A. Zolotarov Integration of the educational process in higher education with digital technologies 149
B. Imansakipova, I. Vassilyev, Sh. Aitkazinova, M. Kalipanov, K. Issabayev Identification and suppression of signals of the rear lobe of the radiation pattern of the radar antenna 157
Economy and Management 163
A. Bessonova, M. Bieloborodova, L. Bezuhla, A. Kulinska, O. Ashcheulova Personnel potential of industrial enterprises: formation and management 163
S. Dotsiuk, I. Chikov, O. Shevchenko, V. Nitsenko, N. Gerasymchuk, M. Demydova Evaluation of the institutional development of innovative activities to ensure the economy of the state 171
L. G. Solianyk, N. M. Shtefan, D. S. Bukreieva Financial determinants of the post-war reconstruction of the national economy on the principles of the European Green Deal 181
S. A. Yaremko, R. M. Novitskyi, L. M. Radzikhovska, L. V. Bondarchuk Automation of building an individual educational trajectory for a higher education student 191
R. Movchan, O. Dudorov, D. Kamensky, A. Vozniuk, T. Makarenko Criminal liability for illegal acts with amber: law-making and law-enforcement issues 197
T. Kapeliushna, S. Lehominova, A. Goloborodko, Yu. Lysetskyi, T. Nosova Methodological approaches to enterprise security management: traditional and transformed to the conditions of functioning 204

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