Content №3 2023

Geology 5
Aigerim Tleubergenova, Gulzada Umirova, Oleksiy Karpenko, Aliya Maussymbayeva Geoelectrical model of the Earth’s crust along the Shu-Sarysu geotraverse according to magnetotelluric soundings 5
Madiyar Aliakbar, Sara Istekova, Kuanysh Togizov, Raushan Temirkhanova Geological structure and oil-and-gas occurrence of Prorva group of the Southern deposits of the Caspian Depression in terms of geophysical information 11
Mining 20
G. Zh. Moldabayeva, G. M. Effendiyev, Z. B. Imansakipova, Sh. R. Tuzelbayeva, S. V. Abbasova Influence of polymer solution concentration and media permeability on the residual resistance factor 20
B. R. Borash, M. T. Biletskiy, V. L. Khomenko, Ye. A. Koroviaka, B. T. Ratov Optimization of technological parameters of airlift operation when drilling water wells 25
O. K. Ishchenko Study on explosion in different cross-sectional shape charge cavity in tensile stress field 32
Tien Trung Vu, Doan Viet Dao Determination of steel arch support distance for roadways under the open-pit mine: a case study at the Mong Duong Coal Mine (Vietnam) 39
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 46
M. V. Chernyavskyi, O. Yu. Provalov, Ye. S. Miroshnychenko, O. V. Kosyachkov Converting Slovianska TPP with the central coal pulverizing plant from anthracite to sub-bituminous coal 46
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 54
O. Holovchenko, V. Grigorenko, V. Protsiv Microstructures and mechanical properties of cold rolled pipes with increased small deformation 54
A. P. Dzhus, O. Y. Faflei, R. O. Deineha, L. R. Yurych, M. A. Dorokhov Design of double-shoulder threaded joints of drilling string elements 60
O. I. Meneylyuk, K. I. Bochevar, O. L. Nikiforov Long-term thermal productivity of polystyrene concrete in a new composite wall in a fixed formwork 66
O. Panchenko Assessing the accuracy of modeling the tubbing erector manipulator mechanism in solidworks motion program 75
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection 81
Milaim Sadiku, Mensur Kelmendi, Sadija Kadriu, Lorina Liçi Assessment of the risk to human health from the accumulation of heavy metals in and around the “2 July” neighborhood (Mitrovica-Kosovo, Kosovo) 81
S. M. Belinska, A. M. Uzhva, O. V. Lazarieva Methods for improving accounting and analytical support of enterprises in order to protect the environment 89
S. I. Cheberiachko, D. V. Slavinskyi, Yu. I. Cheberiachko, O. V. Deryugin Mathematical model of air flow movement in a motorized filter respirator 97
O. I. Baik, N. V. Stetsyuk, S. S. Yesimov, S. B. Tsebenko, I. P. Andrusiak Problem issues regarding legal liability for environmental offenses in Ukraine 104
V. V. Lagodiienko, O. I. Datsii, O. P. Petrenko, M. A. Tepliuk, M. O. Budiaiev Economic aspects of assessment and marketing of carbon emissions by enterprises based on the principles of sustainable development 111
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration 118
V. V. Hnatushenko, O. V. Spirintseva, V. V. Spirintsev, O. V. Kravets, D. V. Spirintsev Homomorphic filtering in digital multichannel image processing 118
N. I. Verkhoglyadova, I. V. Kononova, Ye. P. Morozova, L. I. Brovko, T. M. Ostapenko Methodology for assessing the influence of external and internal factors on the development of the digital economy 125
Meiram Nurzhaubayev, Serhii Grevtsov, Ruslana Korobiova, Elshan Manafov, Sadratdin Abdukarimov, Muratbek Arpabekov Optimization of track distribution of industrial railway stations between car designations 131
Yu. I. Klius, M. A. Prodanchuk, O. O. Gololobova, L. V. Halan, M. O. Varhatiuk Evaluation and control of data relevance in information systems of the transport industry management 137
M. I. Horbiychuk, N. T. Lazoriv, M. I. Kohutyk, I. Z. Manuliak Experimental research on muffle furnace dynamic properties 144
Economy and Management 151
T. Beridze, Z. Baranik, I. Dashko, O. Hamova, S. Tkachenko Fundamental imperatives of eliminating uncertainty on the basis of monitoring the activity of the iron ore enterprise 151
H. Y. Ostrovska, I. V. Strutynska, R. Р. Sherstiuk, О. M. Pietukhova, I. А. Yasinetska Development of collective intelligence in the enterprises’ digital transformation 157
T. Kosova, S. Smerichevskyi, O. Tryfonova, O. Mykhalchenko, L. Raicheva Financial and credit support of market-oriented management of transport engineering enterprises 164
V. H. Fatkhutdinov, B. H. Amarathunga, V. S. Nitsenko, D. B. Svyrydenko, V. V. Kotsur Analysis of motivation determinants in the implementation of online training of future managers at state universities 171
I. V. Zayukov, N. M. Makhnachova, H. V. Ivanchenko, I. Y. Semeniuk Ukraine labour potential modelling based on using the theory of unclear logic 177
M. M. Mia, M. F. Shamsudin, N. M. Zayed, T. V. Mirzoieva, I. Yu. Shtuler, O. S. Bogma Crowdsourcing for business strategy and sustainability: a partial least square structural equation model 184

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