Assessing the accuracy of modeling the tubbing erector manipulator mechanism in solidworks motion program

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O.Panchenko*,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

* Corresponding author e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2023, (3): 075 - 080


To estimate the calculation error in determining the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the UT62 tubbing erector manipulator mechanism movement.

Modern computer analysis methods are used, which are implemented in a number of computing complexes. Due to the task complexity, a mathematical model for the manipulator mechanism fragment, which is a hydraulic cylinder with two degrees of freedom, has been developed to estimate the error of computer modeling. This model is used as a test model.

On the example of the model study, it is shown that when simulating the mechanism movement, errors in the calculations are possible due to incorrect problem formulation, as well as to the inaccurate settings of the modules for converting the initial data. Under these circumstances, it has been concluded that when the input link movement is specified as a vector, then when determining the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the mechanism, it is necessary to use a cubic spline in the “interpolator” module.

For the first time, the direct problem of the manipulator mechanism dynamics has been solved, which consists in determining the static and dynamic characteristics of the device according to the given motion law of its drives. It is noted that when the motion is specified in the form of smooth analytical functions, then there is a complete coincidence of the calculation results performed by the SOLIDWORKS MOTION program with those obtained by mathematical modeling. In addition, when the mechanism link input movement is modeled as a vector, which is formed from a discontinuous function, then the cubic spline used in the “interpolator” module provides smooth harmonic functions of the movement, acceleration and jerk processes. As a result of modeling the manipulator mechanism parameters, it turned out that it is not expedient to use more than 50 points of discrete time in the research. Thus, the errors in calculating the maximum power values of the manipulator motors do not exceed 20 % for the power hydraulic cylinder and 5 % for the hydraulic motor.

Practical value.
The proposed algorithm can be used to model the movement of complex mechanisms in machines.

SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS MOTION, tubbing erector manipulator, discrete time, cubic spline Akima


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