Content №3 2021

Mining 5
A. V. Bublikov, V. V. Tkachov, D. L. Kolosov, G. Gruhler, M. I. Stadnik Automation of the control process by the shearer drum in terms of coal seam hypsometry 5
Kh. A. Yusupov, K. B. Rysbekov, Kh. Kh. Aben, G. B. Bakhmagambetova Increasing gold leaching efficiency with change of solution rheological properties 14
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 19
O. Maksymovych, T. Solyar, A. Sudakov, I. Nazar, M. Polishchuk Determination of stress concentration near the holes under dynamic loadings 19
Izet Ibrahimi, Nurten Deva, Skender Muqolli Integrated dry granulation – possibility of reducing environmental pollution and valorization of Fe-Ni slag 25
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 31
Yu. O. Zhulay, O. D. Nikolayev Evaluation of hydraulic power of drilling string with a cavitation hydrovibrator 31
Fadi Alfaqs, Ghazi S. Marahleh Force and pressure function formulation for direct cold extrusion of aluminum alloy Al 1350 using regression method 38
O. Shashenko, Yu. Golovko, D. Klymenko Rigidity effect of the mine geophone mounting on its frequency response 44
O. V. Zamytskyi, N. O. Holiver, N. V. Bondar, S. O. Kradozhon Mathematical model of the process of drying fine dispersed materials under the influence of alternating electric current 51
A. K. Matayev, V. H. Lozynskyi, A. Musin, R. M. Abdrashev, A. S. Kuantay, A. N. Kuandykova Substantiating the optimal type of mine working fastening based on mathematical modeling of the stress condition of underground structures 57
S. Fischer Investigation of effect of water content on railway granular supplementary layers 64
Electrical Complexes and Systems 69
A. M. Avramenko, A. A. Shevchenko, N. . Chorna, A. L. Kotenko Application of highly efficient hydrogen generation and storage systems for autonomous energy supply 69

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