Optimizing solar panel tilt angles across diverse Algerian terrain

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A.Namoune*, orcid.org/0009-0008-0022-8466, Laboratory of Energetic Physics, Faculty of Exact Science, Department of Physics, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A.Chaker, orcid.org/0000-0002-5111-1478, Laboratory of Energetic Physics, Faculty of Exact Science, Department of Physics, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria

I.Saouane, orcid.org/0009-0000-9599-6039, Laboratory of Energetic Physics, Faculty of Exact Science, Department of Physics, University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria; Department of Matter Sciences, Chahid Laarbi Tebessi University, Tebessa, Algeria

* Corresponding author e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2024, (5): 079 - 084



To optimize the efficiency and performance of a solar system by maximizing the capture of solar radiation through determining the most optimal solar panel tilt angle.

Stochastic techniques are presently utilized for estimating, optimizing, and predicting various solar energy systems. The authors have developed an algorithm that simulates the echolocation behavior of bats.

To attain this objective, we evaluated different angles of inclination for the incident energy surface that will maximize the sunlight. Next, we compared the intensity of incident solar energy from a horizontal surface and the same surface tilted at the optimum angle. As a result, we determined the optimal tilt angles for other Algerian cities not covered by this study, based on two factors: geometry and climate, using multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained reflect average monthly and annual values for solar panel tilt angles. These results depend on the latitude and sunshine levels of the locations studied.

The present study introduces a computational algorithm that utilizes the echolocation behavior of bats to determine the most advantageous tilt angle for a photovoltaic (PV) panel.

Practical value.
Optimizing solar panel angles across various terrains in Algeria is crucial for maximizing the energy efficiency of photovoltaic installations. The optimization algorithm based on the echolocation behavior of bats allows for the determination of optimal angles by taking into account regional, climatic, and seasonal variations, thereby increasing energy production. This innovative approach offers an effective solution for improving the profitability of solar systems while contributing to sustainable development.

optimal angle, solar panels, solar irradiation, Stochastic techniques, optimization algorithm, echolocation of bats


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