Analytical justification of the thermochemical interaction between blast reagents and carbon-containing products under the influence of magnetic fields
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- Category: Content №5 2024
- Last Updated on 29 October 2024
- Published on 30 November -0001
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V.H.Lozynskyi*,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
V.S.Falshtynskyi,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
* Corresponding author e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2024, (5): 030 - 036
Purpose. To justify and develop a model that describes the effect of magnetic treatment of blast reagents and carbon-containing products on the gasification process for predicting the intensification of gas formation.
Methodology. The study involves theoretical modeling based on experimental data to investigate the influence of magnetic fields on the underground coal gasification process and co-gasification of coal and carbon-containing products. The Arrhenius equation was used to estimate the rate constants of gasification reactions in the temperature range of 800–1,000 °C. The effect of the magnetic field was incorporated by adjusting the activation energy (Ea). The results of analytical and experimental studies were processed using methods of computer and mathematical modeling.
Findings. The results show that the application of magnetic fields significantly intensifies the gasification process of carbon containing products. Increasing the reactivity of the blast reagents, particularly water and oxygen, leads to a higher overall yield of combustible gases. The use of magnetic fields in the gasification process substantially increases the reaction rate (k) due to the reduction in activation energy (Ea), improving the overall efficiency of gasification.
Originality. For the first time, an analytical model has been developed to describe the effect of magnetic treatment of blast reagents and carbon-containing products on the gasification process in the temperature range of 800–1,000 °C. The obtained reaction rates follow an exponential trend. The established and correlation-validated pattern shows the relationship between changes in the approximation coefficient (F ) and the change in the carbon fraction (C, %) during the magnetic treatment of blast components within the specified temperature range.
Practical value. The results of this study can be applied to enhance the efficiency of industrial gasification processes, particularly underground coal gasification and co-gasification of coal and carbon-containing productss.
Keywords: magnetic field, gasification, underground coal gasification, сo-gasification thermochemical interaction, syngas, intensification
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