Models of processes in technologies of industrial systems quality control
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 23 September 2014
- Published on 23 September 2014
- Hits: 4921
Ye.I. Kucherenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.),Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Professor of the Department of Artificial Intellect, Kharkiv, Ukraine
S.M. Trokhymchuk, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Postgraduate, Department of Artificial Intellect, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Purpose. To rise quality of products based on the proposed methods and models of processes control.
Methodology. The assessment of model quality has been carried out experimentally in a production environment. The experiment has proved the effectiveness of the approaches and production quality of energy intensive products.
Findings. We have upgraded the process models with modules of adaptation and realization of adaptation functions and system components testing to raise the operation quality of the object. We have suggested a new method of implementation of processes of quality control in compound systems. It is characterized by complexity which is close to quadratic. Optimization of the decisions, based on minimization of the criteria proposed and subject restrictions, allows us to minimize the number of defective products. Practical aspects of technological objects modeling have been investigated; the effectiveness of suggested approaches has been confirmed. Critical analysis of possible solutions has shown that we can consider a modified analysis of the solutions synthesis aiming the product quality improvement retaining its cost and quantity.
Originality. Based on the substantial analysis of the solutions currently in use we have suggested new approaches to the model optimization and development considering the indices and restrictions of the subject field in order to raise the production quality at the facility under consideration.
Practical value. The practical aspects of technological objects have been studied. The effectiveness of the approach suggested has been confirmed. The prospects for further research in the field of improvement of production facilities have been considered. The study shows that the most important factor affecting the efficiency of the processing equipment is reliability and its derivatives. In this regard, the factors maximizing the reliability are of particular interest for models development and their practical application.
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