Structural and logical model of scada system faults diagnostics

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Ye.I. Syrotkina, StateHigherEducationalInstitution National Mining University“, postgraduate student of the Computer Systems Software Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Developing an automatic real-time SCADA failures self-test methodology during collecting data; determining the data reliability at different levels within the system hierarchy.

Methodology. The methodology of SCADA systems diagnostics is examined in this paper. It is a deterministic approach to the technical system condition recognition by a set of information-diagnostic features. The selection of these features is based on SCADA functioninglogic. The structural and logical model analysis is described in this methodology and founded on three-valued logic.

Findings. Thediagnosticstructural and logical model that takes into account the cause-effect relations between events that occur at different levels within the system hierarchy is proposed. It is the universal model for distributed SCADA systems of any topology.

Originality. The polynomial dependencies, describing the permissible changes within the state-monitored parameters that are consistent with SCADA functioning logic are derived in this paper. They are sufficient diagnostic features determining the system controlled parameters unreliability.

Practical value. The work of operating and maintenance SCADA system personnel is poor-selling in case the failure appearing without an automatic self-diagnostics and automatic determination of the data reliability in time limits terms for decisions to restore the system health. Using the proposed SCADA failures testing method for forming logical conclusion rules of the diagnostic systems expert knowledge will allow performing disaster recovery of the system health in real time after reversible failures in the future.


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