Analysis of methods for adaptation of industrial control systems of thermal processes

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V.SMykhailenkoCand. Sci.(Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies”, Senior Lecturer of the IT Department, Odessa, Ukraine.


Purpose. The aim is to analyze the effectiveness of traditional and intelligent adaptation methods of automatic control systems of thermal power processes at a thermal power plant (TPP).

Methods. In the course of the study the classical methods of active identification and adaptation of automatic control systems (ACS) were used. Test excitationof ACS startsa transient process which allows to obtain parameters of the object transfer function and calculate the conventional adjustment knob. However, active identification introduces additional disturbance to the site and degrades the quality of control as a whole. Thus, it is proposed to use a heuristic method of experts fixers in the processes of remote adaptation of single loop ACSswith regard to thetrajectory of the transient characteristic.

Results. The inefficiency of standard adaptation methods of thermal objects in ACS adjustment mode, on the basis of the channel temperature control of superheated steam from TPP was demonstrated experimentally. At the same time, ussng fuzzy logic theory in modeling actionsof personnel in the processes of ACS adjustment and adaptation, it was possible to obtain transient processes with the expected quality indicators.

Scientific novelty. To expedite the process of adaptation of control systems and reduce the impact of additional perturbations, caused by active identification, intelligent approach to calculating settings of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller on the basis of Mamdani algorithmwas proposed.

The practical significance. Currently, more than 90% of Ukraine's coal plants units expired their design life and require modernization. At the same time, the vast majority of TPP work with hourly load change in the adjusting mode with the corresponding change in the properties of the control subsystems. The use of intelligent technologies in TPP (ACS) in the processes of identification and adaptation of local ACS with a proportional-integral (PI) and PID controllers will significantly reduce the operating costs, related to excessive consumption of  solid fuel because of inefficient transient processes.


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