Prediction of environmental impact of modernization of gas treatment equipment at industrial enterprises

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D.V. Rudakov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Нigher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.D. Lyakhovko, State Нigher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To make the quantitative assessment of the environmental effect of using the Electrical cyclone cleaners for reducing the air pollution level in industrial cities by means of shortening the fine particulate fractions in dust emissions of metallurgical enterprises.

Methodology. The research is based on modeling of particulate dispersion in air that is described by the 3D advection-diffusion equation in the boundary layer of the atmosphere over an inhomogeneous ground surface. The mathematical model based on the principle of changing stationary states uses the distributed parameters for wind velocity and frequency of its directions.

Findings. The model for calculating the annual average on-ground concentrations of particulates in air around the stationary sources of dust emissions has been developed for distributed wind velocity parameters. Prediction made by numerical modeling showed a significant decrease in dust concentrations in the area around the metallurgical plant named after Dzerzhinsky in the city of Dniprodzerzhinsk as a result of reducing the fine particulate share owing to use of the Electrical cyclone cleaners.

Originality. Development and practical demonstration of an approach to predicting the environmental effect of a man-made impact on the air quality that is achieved by further cleaning the ejected dust, essentially changing its particulate content. In this case, the model developed adequately takes into account the meteorological conditions of particle dispersion, emission conditions, and the parameters of the wind rose, and can be considered as a tool for environmental mapping of industrial regions.

Practical value. Justification of the environmental and social effects of technological measures aimed at modernizing the gas cleaning equipment at the Dnieprovsky Metallurgical Plant named after Dzerzhinsky. Reducing dust emissions and declining the share of small particles in dust will allow reducing the air contamination in neighborhoods, thus improving the living conditions of local population. The proposed approach base enables proper definition of sanitary protection zones around the enterprises that contaminate atmosphere, accounting for local conditions.


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