On the issue of the increase of the drill string position determination accuracy during the study of temperature influence on primary transducer performance

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G.M. Kovshov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovska State  Academy of Building and Architecture”, Professor of the Physics Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

I.V. Ryzhkov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovska State Academy of Building and Architecture”, Vice Rector, Senior Lecturer of the Applied Mechanics Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.V. Uzhelovskyi, State Higher Educational Institution “Prydniprovska State  Academy of Building and Architecture”, Postgraduate Student, Assistant Lecturer, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine



Purpose. To carry out the theoretical and experimental research for substantiation of algorithmic method of indemnification of temperature drift in primary transducers.


Methodology. The methodology implies the mathematical description of dependence of function primary transducers output values on temperature. We have used the universal swiveling mount allowing us to define the temperature error of bore-hole surveying instrument caused by the change of position of drill string. The received results were subjected to mathematical processing and the true values of sensors have been obtained.

Findings. The values of azimuthal, zenithal and sight angle have been measured by means of inklinometer and the data have been transmitted to the surface control centre to be processed. During data processing we have applied the known algorithmic method of temperature error reduction based on testing and determination of the law of temperature drift change in flux-gate meters and accelerometers. The zenithal azimuth and sight angle has been determined taking into account the drift of every sensor caused by temperature in the well measured by the additional sensor of temperature. The mathematical models of inclinometer primary sensors taking into account their temperature drift have been designed.

Originality. The efficiency of orientation automated control system in a great deal depends on technical parameters of sensors. We have determined that the output values of primary transducers substantially depend on temperature that is in conflict with their passport information. We have got the possibility to compensate the temperature drift of sensors by means of the known algorithmic methods and method of feed-back.

Practical value. The essential improvement of inclinometer output values accuracy substantially influences the determination of boring instrument position during geological exploration.




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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2013 Contents No.3 2013 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building On the issue of the increase of the drill string position determination accuracy during the study of temperature influence on primary transducer performance