Usage of tire-shoe brake on mine locomotive

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V.V. Protsiv, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of Department of Machines and Mechanisms Design, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


A.I. Samoilov, Science and Production Company “Mining machines”, Technical Manager of Wheel Transport, Donetsk, Ukraine



Purpose. To determine the advantages, to design the analytical model for braking distance estimation and to study the possibility of application of tire-shoe brakes on mine articulated electric locomotives E10.


Methodology. Simulation of braking process with application of tire-shoe brake has been made using the method of Lagrange second order equation. After conversion into differential equations of the second order they have been processed by the mathematical software Wolfram Mathematica 8 in order to obtain values of train braking distance at the rail segments with high longitudinal inclination.

Findings. We have designed the analytical model and conducted theoretical research of the possibility of application of tire-shoe brakes on mine articulated electric locomotives E10 moving the car string. We have defined the advantages of tire-shoe brake, and theoretically proved that under the action of the braking torque of 637 N∙m the mine train consisted of four loaded mine cars VH3,3 stops on the dry clean rails with the longitudinal inclination of 50  without exceeding the allowable braking distance of 40 m.

Originality. The design scheme of braking of mine articulated electric locomotive has been created taking into account the features of tire-shoe brakes and pre-measured parameters of rail tracks, such as pollution, longitudinal and transverse inclination, steps of rail joints etc.

Practical value. It becomes possible to predict the effectiveness of tire-shoe brakes application by calculating the number of loaded mine cars moved by mine locomotive at dangerous section of rail track. We have proved the advantages of application of such type of brakes for mine articulated electric locomotives E10.




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