Substantiation of technological efficiency of two-frequency resonant vibration machines with pulse electromagnetic disturbance
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- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 24 July 2014
- Published on 10 July 2013
- Hits: 4229
I.V. Kuzio, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Academician of the Lifting-transport Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Polytecnic National University, Head of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Machine Building of Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Transport, Lviv, Ukraine
O.V. Lanets, Lviv Polytecnic National University, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Machine Building of Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Transport, Lviv, Ukraine
V.M. Gursky, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Lviv Polytecnic National University, Senior Instructor of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Machine Building of Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Transport, Lviv, Ukraine
Purpose. Increase of technological efficiency of the two-mass one-frequency resonant vibration machine by means of transfer in the nonlinear systems, in particular by realization of asymmetric elastic piecewise linear characteristic.
Methodology. Numerical simulation and comparative analysis of real values of acceleration of operating elements of the two-mass vibratory machines with linear and elastic piecewise linear characteristic have been carried out. Application of pulse electromagnetic disturbance single-phase power circuit appeared rational. The variable pulling pressure of single-phase electromagnet was interpreted on the base of Fourier series as poly-frequency. The asymmetric elastic piecewise linear characteristics of the vibratory machine were synthesized according to its harmonics.
Findings. The asymmetric elastic piecewise linear characteristics have been synthesized for realization of the two-frequency resonant operation modes of the two-mass vibratory machines with pulse electromagnetic disturbance. Using the numerical simulation of the vibratory systems we have obtained time dependences of moving and acceleration of the masses. The spectral analysis of the received characteristics has been carried out. The presence of shock accelerations in the offered two-mass vibration machine with asymmetric elastic piecewise linear characteristic has been proved. The estimation criteria have been formulated and the technological and power advantages of the offered two-frequency resonance machines with pulse disturbance over the one-frequency systems. Technological efficiency of the nonlinear systems is confirmed by realization of shock acceleration operation modes. The total real values of shock acceleration during certain period of time prevail above the values in the linear systems. To calculate the energy consumption we have used the power values required to set in motion the mechanical systems.
Originality. We have contributed in further development of nonlinear vibratory machines with electromagnetic disturbance. For the first time we tested the mechanism of realization of the asymmetric resonance operation modes of the two-mass vibratory systems with the synthesized elastic piecewise linear characteristic taking into account the features of pulse electromagnetic disturbance.
Practical value. Technological and power efficiency of basic linear one-frequency machines rises due to implementation into their structure of the two-mass vibratory systems with asymmetric elastic piecewise linear characteristics and use of pulse disturbance.
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