Energy approach to analysys of the fluid pulse injection into a coal bed
Yu.A. Zhulay, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Transport Systems and Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Leading Researcher, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
A.A. Angelovskiy, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, postgraduate student, Public Joint-Stock Company “Krasnodonugol” General Manager, Krasnodon, Ukraine
One of the effective methods of controlling the spontaneous outbursts of coal and gas and explosions of methane in mines is the fluid pulse injection into coal beds. Of late years the significant results in this field have been received by Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with PAO “Krasnodonugol”. They developed the method and the device for hydro pulse action on coal layers using the cavitation generator of fluid pressure elastic vibrations. The results of mining experimental work aimed at the evaluation of the efficiency of the submersible cavitation generator application in the flowchart of hydro loosening have shown that the device provides the effective hydro loosening and degassing of outburst-prone coal layers with low hydraulic permeability in ground pressure zones when driving a development working with mining combines.
Purpose. To carry out the energy estimation of advantages of the hydro loosening of a coal layer by the pulse action and compare it with static fluid injection.
Methodology. The research was based on theoretical study of density of an energy flow running through a surface per a time unit taking into account the experimentally obtained dependence of the fluid pressure pulse value on the value of backup in the borehole.
Findings. The calculated dependencies of energy flow on backup pressure, at both pulse and static fluid injection pressure of 20.1 MPa are presented.
Originality. For the first time we have established that the energy flow during the hydro pulse action on a coal layer (other conditions being equal) 1.8 times exceeds the value of energy flow during hydro loosening by static fluid injection.
Practical value. The analysis of the presented dependences confirms the possibility of improvement of efficiency of hydro loosening of outburst-prone coal layers and control of gas-dynamic factors in mines through hydro pulse action when running the in-seem development working.
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