Testing of the method of monitoring and evaluation of the advance bores drilling effectiveness by acoustic signal parameters

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P.Ye. Filimonov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Public Joint Stock Company “Shakhta im. A.F. Zasyadko”, General Director, Donetsk, Ukraine


The developed method provides the safety of drilling work and allows evaluation outburst hazard in the rock massif by the results of advance bores drilling. The test showed that the actual parameters of the method meet the technical requirements. The test showed the following operating characteristics of wells: face advance was 50–70 meters per month, and in the conveyer passage of the inclined longwall m3 the face advance periodically reached 100–110 meters per month. The bottom-hole formation zone was substantially degassed, and the strain delays with related negative effects were absent. The application of wells allowed to maintain the stability of roof rock and mount the additional roof bolting more effectively, and thus to maintain mine workings in satisfactory condition.

Originality. We have established the regularities of change of sorption values and surcharge ratios during drilling of the advance bores.

Practical value. The guidance on the application of the procedure of drilling control and evaluation of advance bores by the parameters of acoustic signal at Public Joint Stock Company “Shakhta im. A.F. Zasyadko” has been developed.




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