Analysis of limit states of mining frame support
G.G. Litvinsky, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Donbass State Technical University, Head of the Department "Building Geotechnology", Alchevsk, Ukraine
E.V. Fesenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Donbass State Technical University, Associate Professor of the Department "Building Geotechnology", Alchevsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To study the laws of mine support bearing capacity change depending on the external loading parameters, the contact conditions of its interaction with the rock massif and the backfill stiffness.
Methodology. The research was based on the numerical simulation of the interaction of the mine support with the rock massif when the marginal state appears. The main idea is to ensure the principle of equal strength of the elements when they are interacting with the rock massif.
Findings. The analytical model and the method of evaluation of bearing capacity of steel frame support taking into account the contact conditions of its interaction with the rock massif and nature of external forces has been developed. The principle of equal strength support elements has been formulated and optimal criteria of their design have been proposed on its base. The marginal states appearing in the process of loading of the yielding support have been considered and analyzed. The influences of the backfill material properties on the bearing capacity of the support and the rational conditions and parameters of frame yielding support have been determined.
Originality. The method for determination of the steel frame support carrying capacity has been developed on the principles of equal strength and the optimal criteria. It takes into account the marginal states appearing in the support elements depending on the external loading by the rock massif.
Practical value. The method of calculation of the mine frame support bearing capacity has been developed. The method is based on the equal strength principle of support elements. This allows us to design the mine working with rational parameters of support and to reduce consumption of metal.
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