Analysis of mathematical model of modulation of full phase envelope of vibroacoustic sounding signal in the problem of geolocation of dispersion properties of heterogeneous rock mass

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A.N. Shashenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Head of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.N. Zhuravlev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

M.S. Dubitskaya, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Postgraduate Student of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop an effective method of prediction of structural heterogeneities in rock mass by analyzing its stress-strain state.

Methodology. Based on the theory of signals and hypotheses of combined amplitude and phase modulation of the probe signal heterogeneities dispersive medium, the method of analysis of the data component has been considered.

Findings. The analysis of the mathematical model of the modulation of total phase envelope of wave packet propagating in heterogeneous rock mass was given. Applying of the method of low-frequency equivalent to the problem of study of information distance between the functions of the total phase, which carry information about the dispersion properties of the investigated massif were substantiated. We proved the necessity of the second approximation of dispersion theory analysis, which allows us to identify the parameters of medium properties distribution by the methods of amplitude and phase demodulation of the vibroacoustic signal detected in the interval length of the wave packet.

Originality. We have substantiated analytical expressions that allow the development of the method of signal processing of the wave packet transmitted through the structural and heterogeneous rock mass, and to determine the geometrical parameters of the inhomogeneities of the waveguide.

Practical value. The proposed method of analysis makes it possible to improve the technique of the forecast of geological faults in rock and coal massif. Reliability of the method of acoustic control, its effectiveness and compatibility with other technical means gives us the possibility to consider this direction as the main for the development of automated systems geomechanical monitoring in underground mining.



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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2013 Contents No.2 2013 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Analysis of mathematical model of modulation of full phase envelope of vibroacoustic sounding signal in the problem of geolocation of dispersion properties of heterogeneous rock mass