Synthesis of low-frequency resonance vibratory machines with an aeroinertia drive

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I.V. Kuzo, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Academician of the Lifting-transport Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Polytecnic National University, Head of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Machine Building of Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Transport, Lviv, Ukraine

О.V. Lanets, Lviv Polytecnic National University, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Machine Building of Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Transport, Lviv, Ukraine

V.М. Gurskyi, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Lviv Polytecnic National University, Senior Instructor of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Machine Building of Institute of Mechanics Engineering and Transport, Lviv, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop the methodology of low-frequency resonance vibratory technological equipment creation on the base of the inertia drive, in which interplay of vibroexciter’s unstable mass motion on the source of its feed will be removed.

Methodology. Forming of analytical dependences for establishment of structural and power parameters of the oscillating system; description and research of dynamic models of vibratory machines; analysis of spectral descriptions and time diagrams of motion of the masses in transient and stabilized states.

Findings. The advantages of resonance vibratory technological equipment creation on the base of the most widespread inertia drive are substantiated. Vibroexciters which are brought in motion by the streams of compressed air: aeroinertia which the ball-shaped centrifugal are attributed to, turbine type (those in which interplay of bringing the system in motion mechanism on the source of its feed is removed), are chosen as the basic at creation of low-frequency resonance vibratory machines. As the most expedient structures for their synthesis three-mass structures are taken. The analytical dependences for establishment of structural and power parameters which provide the clear ‘self-jigging’ of vibroexciter unstable mass turns by the oscillating system in a stable near resonance area in relation to the first own resonance peak are produced. Its mathematical models, which reproduce the effect of ‘hanging up’ of vibroexciter unstable mass turns on the set near resonance frequency of the forced vibrations which are forced and workings for all of the system, are analysed. Time and spectral descriptions of amplitudes of vibrations of the masses are taken off practically fully accord with theoretical dependences.

Originality. The methodology of creation of vibratory machines with an inertia drive was developed. This made possible the effective synthesis of low-frequency resonance constructions of vibratory technological equipment, namely at first for providing of their working resonance modes the phenomenon of Sommerfeld was used, which became possible due to indignation of ultralight unstable mass of vibroexciter in the three-mass constructions by the currents of air.

Practical value. The advantage of the offered vibratory equipment consists in: simplicity of its mode of indignation; ‘self-jigging’ of the forced vibrations frequency of the oscillating system; self adjusting of the system depending on the change of technological load mass, presence of the automatically acquired defence of drive from an overload in the conditions of resonance working mode.



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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2013 Contents No.2 2013 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Synthesis of low-frequency resonance vibratory machines with an aeroinertia drive