The emergency support made of thermoplastic polymer composite for safe operation of pneumatic-tired wheel of cargo vehicle
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- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 09 May 2014
- Published on 16 April 2013
- Hits: 3862
M.O. Naumenko, State Higher Educational Institution “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To develop the means of creation of thermoplastic polymer composites with long-term constructional properties for safe operation of tire products.
Methodology. To achieve the goal we have used the empirical research methods (standard and model physical and mechanical test of the compositesunder long-term static and dynamic compression loads) in the laboratories of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology and VAT “Dniproshina” (Ukraine) and have conducted the microscopic laboratory research in the National technical University of France (Sent-Etienne).
Results. We have considered the functional appropriateness to retrofit the traditional pneumatic-tired wheel with a special emergency support to ensure the safety of cargo vehicles in case of pneumatic tires damage. According to modern requirements of resource saving and environment protection in creating new products or additional items to already existing ones, the wheel running gear should retain acceptable level of its operational properties in the state of emergency rolling and repairability of damaged tires and have unlimited capacity for recycling. The research in the field of materials engineering allowed us to use the specially designed thermoplastic polymer composite for the emergency support development instead of traditional rubber, which is unacceptable for this purpose. A special list of constructional and technological properties allows us to avoid many problems of production, exploitation and processing, but require such constructional solutions of emergency support which let us to avoid using reinforcing elements.
Originality. For the first time a test model has been suggested and a list of parameters and level of long-term constructional properties have been defined for the material of emergency support of wheel running gear of cargo vehicle under compressive load. We have defined the mechanism of combined mechanical and physical contact between fibrous filler and polymer matrix, which gives us the possibility to make predictable changes of long-term constructional properties of thermoplastic composite.
Practical value. The design of the thermoplastic polymer composite produced from fresh and secondary raw materials has been tested for its technological appropriateness for development of the emergency support for upgrading the cargo vehicle wheel running gear with pneumatic tire 365/80R20 140К.
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