Mining enterprises’ economic strategies as derivatives of nature management in the system of social relations

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O.G. Vagonova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Accounting and Audit, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.V. Volosheniuk, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Accounting and Audit, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine the ways of improvement of theoretical approach applied for adaptation of economic strategies of a mining enterprise to environmental management in the system of social relations.

Methodology. The research is based on strategic management theory which allows determining mining enterprise development alternatives resulting from external processes capable to influence the efficiency criteria of chosen strategies and strategic goals. The internal factors affecting the essence and efficiency of economic strategies of a mining enterprise in terms of quality and product cost were analyzed. The dynamics and interconnection of major technical-and-economic indices of a mining enterprise were determined; the assumptions about potential behavior of changes in product cost and price were substantiated. The requirement to internalize costs at a mining enterprise and its influence on the amount of its environmental investments was studied. The conclusion was drawn about the appropriateness of economic strategy at a mining enterprise under increasing external effects.

Findings. The environment efficient for predicting the amount of permissible income of a mining enterprise taking into account general understanding of environmental management efficiency and expected responsibility for external effects was determined. A model of coordination between economic strategies of mining enterprise development and components of environmental management efficiency was suggested.

Originality. Further development of methodological basis for determining economic strategies at a mining enterprise, which implies comparison of external effects in production and expected regulatory changes in environmental management were presented.

Practical value. The model of adaptation of mining enterprise economic strategies to efficient environmental management in the system of social relations was developed. The model allows determining the main areas of interest of social groups in terms of efficient environmental management under production operation by coupled elements of strategic choice at a mining enterprise.


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Database: Public Company “Ingulets GOK”, Official site of the State Institution “Infrastructure Development Agency Ukraine’s stock market”, available at:

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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2012 Contents No.2 2012 Economy and management Mining enterprises’ economic strategies as derivatives of nature management in the system of social relations