Economic component of the analysis of the on-the-job injury rate determinants in coal mines of Ukraine

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O.Yu. Churikanova, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To investigate the factors causing accidents at coal mines and determine the economic component of the financial instrument that has direct impact on the accidents rate.

Methodology. The nature of accidents in coal mines of Ukraine was analyzed, and basic factors causing the appearance of emergency situations were considered. The statistical data by different types of accidents and the frequency of the impact of each factor were studied. The group of the most influential factors, which are caused by difficult mining and geological conditions of production process, poor technological equipment of mines, bad organization, lack of adequate professional training and awareness of employees at all levels. Economic component, as one of the main factors affecting accident rates at coal mining enterprise was emphasized, as it ensures an adequate level of professional training and a technical re-equipment of mines in accordance with the requirements of security.

Findings. Sufficient level of funding in these areas, despite the difficult mining and geological conditions, could significantly reduce accident rates in coal mines in Ukraine. But in case of permanent lack of financial resources it is necessary to develop analytical methods to determine the most efficient allocation of resources on security measures. The necessity of further research aimed on establishment of mathematical methods of analysis of correlation between factors of accidents and financial and economic situation in coal mines in order to determine the efficiency of allocating funds for the prevention of accidents.

Originality. The fact that the level of safety at each mine is affected by not only organizational factors, mining and geological conditions and technological equipment, but also by the economic situation at the mine was established.

Practical value. Study of the correlation between economic situation at the mine, namely the level of profitability, the amount of funds allocated for safety measures and the accidents rate.


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