On the issue of attraction of additional resources to increase energy independence of Ukraine
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 16 May 2013
- Published on 15 November 2012
- Hits: 7150
O.P. Gladun, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To study the ways of use of brown coal in fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, evaluation of brown coal deposits that can be used in processing and production of final products, and also the sources of investments in projects related to the processing of brown coal.
Methodology. The special software for prediction calculation of economic parameters of investment project “Invest Analysis” has been made on the base of MS Excel. It contains a certain correlation of data, which allows calculating indicators of efficiency of using investments, which is necessary to attract in the project of brown coals complex processing.
Findings. Analysis of reserves on the example of one of the Dnieper brown coal basin deposits and identification of beneficial properties of its raw materials while obtaining a final product for energy and chemical industries has been carried out. The possible directions of brown coal processing has been determined. It has been determined on the practical level the economic advantages of brown coal processing product by transferring industrial enterprises of Ukraine on water-coal fuel.
The possibility of forecasting of the water-coal fuel calorific value, depending on the quality properties of the basic coal, which allows predicting the future needs in the coal amount, has been determined.
Analysis of the basic economic parameters of the project for the complex processing of brown coal, showed that the brown coal deposit development and financing projects for the brown coal processing and production of the saleable useful products on its basis is appropriate and relevant in the modern economy of Ukraine.
Originality. An economical analysis of innovative projects for brown coals complex processing has been carried out.
Practical value. Financial and mathematical calculations of the project for the complex processing of brown coal of Dniprovskyi basin can be applied for calculating the efficiency of investment into projects of the complex processing of minerals.
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