Mathematical modeling of the processes of wastewater purification from phenols and rhodanides using glauconite

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A. Ivanchenko,, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamenskoye, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

K. Khavikova,, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamenskoye, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A. Trukilo,, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamenskoye, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020, (4): 111-116

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Purpose. To choose the optimal dose of the natural mineral glauconite in combination with cationic flocculant to extract phenols and rhodanides from industrial effluents. To substantiate the advantages of using natural glauconite as an adsorbent with a developed cationic ability to absorb toxic substances. To develop a mathematical model of the adsorption treatment of phenolic wastewater at a flotation plant.

Methodology. Chemical studies were carried out according to the methods of V. M. Kagasov, E. K. Derbisheva. When conducting experiments to determine the concentration of phenols in industrial effluents, a photometric method was used, based on the formation of red-colored phenol compounds with 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of potassium hexacyanoferrate. To establish the concentration of thiocyanates in phenolic wastewater, a photometric method was used, based on the interaction of the rhodanides ion in an acidic medium with iron (III) chloride ions. The determination of the optical density of the solutions was carried out on a concentration KFK-2 photocolorimeter with subsequent use of calibration graphs.

Findings. It was experimentally shown that when applying the interval of doses of glauconite 2–6 g/dm3, an effective purification of liquid waste from phenols is achieved as well as a decrease in the concentration of the initial phenolic water from 510 to 330–390 mg/dm3 in the time interval of 110–140 min at the mechanical stage. A decrease in the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of phenols in the initial wastewater of a coke chemical plant has been achieved, regulated – not more than 415 mg/dm³. The process of purification of industrial effluents from rhodanides with the selection of the optimal dose of adsorbent using mathematical processing of experimental data, which amounted to 2–3.5 g/dm3 with flotation duration of 120 min, was studied. The initial concentration reduction of rhodanides from 475.2 to 328–348 mg/dm3 was obtained. The MPC of rhodanides, with a norm of not more than 400 mg/dm3 before biological treatment was reached.

Originality. The process of sorption removal of phenols and rhodanides from liquid wastes with different doses of glauconite to describe a mathematical model of the adsorption process was studied. For the first time, kinetic regularities of the process of phenol extraction from wastewater by glauconite in an amount of 2–8 g/dm3 in combination with a cationic flocculant with a volume of 5 ml/dm3 in a time interval of 20–120 min were established. The opportunity to predict the optimal dose of adsorbent, to influence the time of the sorption process and reduce the content of polluting agents to environmentally friendly indicators was obtained.

Practical value. A mathematical description of the process of purification of phenolic wastewater using glauconite is given. Based on the description of the mathematical model, for industrial implementation, it is proposed to use the natural adsorbent glauconite in the optimal dose range of 2–6 g/dm3 in combination with a cationic flocculant in an amount of 5 ml/dm3 with optimal adsorption process duration of 110–140 min.


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