Study on the effect of plasticizers and thermoplastics on the strength and toughness of epoxy resins

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L. M. Mustafa,, “National Centre for Space Research and Technology” Joint Stock Company, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan; Satbayev University, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M. B. Ismailov,, “National Centre for Space Research and Technology” Joint Stock Company, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan; Satbayev University, Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A. F. Sanin,, Oles Honchar National University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020, (4): 063-068

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Purpose. To increase the strength and toughness of epoxy resins of “cold hardening” and “hot hardening” by using modified plasticizers and thermoplastic polymers.

Methodology. Epoxy resins of “cold hardening” of ED-20 and “hot hardening” of Etal Inject-T, modified with three types of plasticizers and four types of thermoplastic polymers, were investigated. The toughness and compressive strength of unmodified and modified resins were determined with the help ofthe Charpy impact test at various modifier contents.

Findings. Among all studied plasticizers, tricresyl phosphate has the most significant effect on the strength and toughness of both types of resins. The best combination of strength and toughness of ED-20 resin is obtained with 5 % tricresyl phosphate content, whereas its higher content reduces the strength of the material. For Etal Inject-T, high values of these properties are obtained with 15% tricresyl phosphate content, whereas adding a smaller amount of a modifier does not change the material strength. The modification with thermoplastic polymers has a less obvious effect on the properties of epoxy resins than the modification with plasticizers does. The most effective additives to ED-20 are high-temperature polycarbonate (5 %) and polysulfone (10 and 15 %), the addition of which causes a simultaneous increase in both properties. A significant increase in the toughness of Etal Inject-Tisobservedbyadding 5–15 % polycarbonate,butthe strengthoftheresinhardlychanges.Thecomplexmodificationofresinswithamixtureofplasticizerandthermoplasticleadstoadecreaseinthetoughnessandcompressive strength of both types of resins.

Originality. When the polymer mixture hardens, plasticizer molecules dispersed into the environment of epoxy macromolecules weaken the rigid spatial crosslinking of macromolecules and make them more active. As a result, toughness increases; in certain cases, so does resistance due to directed re-orientation of macromolecules under deformation. The change in mechanical properties of epoxy resin when modified with thermoplastics is defined by the bonding strength of the resin and dispersed particles of thermoplastic polymer as well as by the degree of hetero-phase of the produced mixture.

Practical value. The results of changing the mechanical properties of epoxy resin while being modified with plasticizers and thermoplastics can be used to produce impact-resistant composite materials for structural purposes, including those for aviation and space-rocket technology.


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