Mineralogical and petrographical peculiarities of dolerite from Aprelskoye deposit (Ingul Megablock of Ukrainian Shield)
Ye.O. Vyshnevska, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, postgraduate student, Kyiv, Ukraine.
І.І. Mikhalchenko, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), M. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation under NAS of Ukraine, doctoral candidate, Kyiv, Ukraine.
O.V. Mitrokhin, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Professor, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Professor of the Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrography, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Purpose. Clarification of the potential for use of mineralogical-petrographical features of the basic dyke rocks changed by low-temperature post-magmatic processes for definition of their belonging to defined rock association and for solution of practical questions of geological partition and correlation of the dyke complexes in the Ingul Megablock of the Ukrainian Shield.
Methodology. The basic dyke revealed at drilling on the Aprelskoye uranium-ore deposit and belonging to the Bobrinets dyke vein system was the object of the research. The dyke rocks undergone to low-temperature post-magmatic transformations have been investigated comprehensively with application of optical and electron microscopy. The electron microprobe analysis was used for studying of the chemical composition of the main rock-forming minerals and also diagnostics of accessory and secondary minerals.
Findings. We have established that, irrespective of extent of the post-magmatic changes, all studied samples are characterized by rather good safety of primary mineralogical and petrographical features appropriated to the hypabyssal basic magmatic rocks of normal alkalinity from the dolerites family relating to tholeiitic series. Their indicator characteristics are: aphyric ophitic texture; high-basic labrador-bytownite plagioclases coexisting with low- and high-basic monoclinic pyroxene; magnesia olivine presence assumed by pseudomorphoses; Ti-magnetite-ilmenite paragenesis of Fe-Ti oxide-ore minerals. Characteristic accessory minerals of the studied dolerites are zircon and baddeleyite which is potentially suitable for further U-Pb isotope dating.
Originality. For the first time the authors have concluded that the dolerites of the Aprelskoye deposit are similar to many earlier described dyke representatives of dolerite-diabase (plateau basalt) association of the Precambrian. Their closest analogues within the Ingul Megablock are olivine dolerites belonging to Rozanovka and Novoukrainka dyke fields.
Practical value. The indicator characteristics of dolerites of the Aprelskoye deposit can be used further for identification of their analogues both inside and outside the Ingul Megablock.
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