Priority objects for gas exploration within Donbas
S.S. Dumenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate, the Department of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. Presence of gas in the whole section of coal-bearing rocks in the Donetsk basin and results of successful surface degasification of the rocks suggest the possibility of producing methane from tight surrounding rocks within the regional structural and tectonic units. The purpose of the work is to identify priority objects for rapid establishment of commercial gas production within the Donetsk basin based on the analysis of geological features of its structure and results of the latest works conducted to study this problem.
Methodology. Drilling and testing of the well has been carried out.The paper is based on the analysis of the new field studies within the Donbas. The data have been studied and analyzed regarding the drilling and completion of wells aimed at production of methane from the coal-bearing rocks.
Findings. We have drawn preliminary conclusions about the possibility of methane production from tight coal-bearing rocks within regional structural-tectonic units of the Donetsk basin. The most efficient methods to ramp up production of hydrocarbon gases within the territory have been determined.
Originality. For the first time we have published the preliminary analysis of the results of the most recent exploration works aimed on the evaluation of the possibility of industrial methane production from coal surrounding sandy rocks. We have substantiated the expediency of new exploration works within the territory.
Practical value. The issue of rapid increase of hydrocarbons production is critical for Ukraine. Use of methane reserves containing in coal deposits of the Donbas is an alternative way to solve this problem. The historical geological data available allows us to determine quickly and reliably the most prospective locations for further exploration.
1. Methane to Markets Partnership Coal Subcommittee – CMM Global Overview, (2005), §29.1 h.223
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3. Reserve assessment criteria of Sproule Associates. Available at: (Access date: Dec. 2014).
4. Triplett, J., Filippov, A. and Pisarenko, A. (2001 ), “Coal mine methane in Ukraine: Opportunities for production and investment in the Donetsk coal basin”, EPA. January, 2001.
5. Dumenko, S.S. and Prykhodchenko, V.F. (2013), “Analysis of impact of rocks reservoir properties on results of gas production in the Donetsk basin”, Vuhillia Ukrainy, Kyiv, July 2013, pp. 61–63.
Думенко С.С. Аналіз впливу фільтраційно-ємнісних характеристик колекторів на результати видобутку газу в Донецькому басейні / С.С. Думенко, В.Ф. Приходченко // Вугілля України. – К., 2013. – Июль. – С. 61–63.
6. Avtonomov, K.V., Lelyk, B.I. Khrapkin, S.G., Lukinov,V.V., Kuznetsova, L.D. and Dzhamalova, H.F. (2009), “Pilot project: features of testing for Donbas coal mine methane study and production methods”, Geolog Ukrainy, no. 3, pp. 74–82.
Пілотний проект: особливості випробування комплексу методів вивчення та видобутку метану вугільних родовищ Донбасу / К.В. Автономов, Б.І. Лелик, С.Г. Храпкін [та ін. ] // Геолог України. – 2009 –№3. – С. 74–82.
7. Creedy, D.P., Garner, K.S. and Ren, T.X. (2001), “A Review of the Worldwide Status of Coalbed Methane Extraction and Utilisation”, DTI Cleaner Coal Technology Programme Report No. COAL R210, DTI/Pub URN 01/1040. ETSU, Harwell, UK.
8. Gordon, F. (2004), “Where Next?”, Palladian Publications.
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