About the variations of geochemical composition of granitoids of the Peri-azovian megablock of Ukrainian Shield caused by tectonic activity
L.S. Osmachko, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), M. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation NAS of Ukraine, Senior Research Scientist, Kyiv, Ukraine
Purpose. To determine the relation between geochemical composition of Precambrian granitoid massifs of Azov region and its petrostructural organization in order to highlight the tectonic conditions of the formation period of these objects. To identify, based on this, the main (most intense) Precambrian regional tectonic pulse from several appeared in the Azov megablock of Ukrainian Shield which makes the frame of structural ensemble of the territory.
Methodology. Structural-paragenetic analysis and geochemical correlation techniques make the base of the work. The former is the concept of paragenic-based dislocation process taking into account the PT-conditions of geological environment. The latter provides a comparison of qualitative and quantitative features of chemical composition of the granitoids from different time slices according to their geological and structural position in the Precambrian basement of Azov region.
Findings. We have analyzed the structures at different hierarchical levels of the crystalline basement of the west Azov megablock of Ukrainian Shield and the distribution of major and small chemical elements of granitoids of different age that form the structural skeleton of the territory. The megablock was identified by the set of data as a dislocation shear-system which had been formed by several tectonic pulses.
Originality. Linear components of the dislocation shear-system (Korsakskaya and Mangushskaya structures) finally formed in transpression, but in the periods 2.9–2.7 and 2.0–1.9 Ga they experienced transtension. Subcircular components of the system (Saltychanskaya and Gulyaypolskaya structures) formed during transtension in the periods 2.9–2.7 and 2.0–1.9 Ga were under the influence of transpression. During the period 2.2–2.0 Ga the distribution of chemical elements of the studied granitoids corresponds to the current dynamo-kinematic status of components of shear-system of Western Azov. That is, the structural ensemble of the studied area as a permanently functioning dislocation system, especially in regard to kinematic-dynamo aspect, in general formed in the period 2.2–2.0 Ga.
Practical value. The results could be used for specific minerals prospecting.
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