Specifications of the rock massifs by the block sizes

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B.R. Rakishev, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Academicianof NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan,K.I. Satpayev Kazakh NationalTechnical University, Head of the Department of Open Cast Mining, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A.M. Auezova,Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Open Cast Mining, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A.Ye. Kuttybayev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.),K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Open Cast Mining, Almaty, Kazakhstan

A.U. Kozhantov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Open Cast Mining, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Purpose. To establish the granulometric composition of natural jointing in a massif by average distance between cracks in rock.

Methodology. The natural jointingpercentage in the rock massifs has been determined experimentally by measurement of the block sizes in open cast mines of nonferrous metallurgy enterprises of Kazakhstan. The average extent of natural jointing of various massifs has been determined by block sizes. The mathematical model of mosaic structure of a massif has been developed. The regression line of blocks size distribution has been obtained. The methodology for estimation of the particles size distribution of the natural rock massif by their average size is offered.

Findings. Based on the experimental data the coefficients of the regression equation have been established for rock massifs different by block sizes. By applying the coefficients the inverse problem was solved, the particles size distribution of the natural rock massif has been estimated by their average size.

Originality. The regular changes in the granulometric composition of natural rocks depending on their size have been determined. The values of constants in equations of regression for rocks with different particles size.

Practical value. The developed method determines the percentage of natural jointing in the rock massif by the average distance between the cracks, which is fixed in the geological reports and other technical documentation of mining enterprises. The technique may be useful for projection of technological parameters of mining operations.


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Определение гранулометрического состава массива пород по среднему размеру естественных отдельностей:сб. трудов Международной научно-практической конференции „Инновационные технологии и проекты в горно-металлургическом комплексе, их научное и кадровое сопровождение“/Б.Р.Ракишев, А.М.Ауэзова, А.П.Калиева, А.Н. Дауренбекова–Алматы:КазНТУ, 2014. – С. 186–190

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